Yannick Carrasco's card is rated 86, he is 181cm | 5'11" tall, right-footed Belgium midfielder (LM)
that plays for
Dalian Yifang FC
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.0
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 13,677 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.261.
Yannick Carrasco has 2 special cards
with ratings between 83 and 89.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 04-09-1993 and he is now 31 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 1 goals and 0 assists in 7 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 95,450 on PlayStation,
116,200 on Xbox,
and 131,050 on PC.
So I had already completed the SBC early on in the year and chose Oscar. Around TOTY I did a little over half the league again for the packs hoping to get lucky. I assumed I was doomed to have to choose Renato Augusto whenever I decided to finish the league. I already found myself wanting to use Carrasco's regular card in a squad, but was hoping for him to earn a special card when the CSL resumed. Sure enough I was surprised with revamped league SBC's. Cost me about 50k after rewards with nothing worthwhile. Let me start off by saying he is miles better than Oscar. If you are considering Oscar, I would definitely choose Carrasco.
I decided to use the chem style sniper to improve his composure and balance. He feels incredible agile, great on the ball, just can get knocked over kind of easy at times. He feels sort of top heavy. Skills are smooth and with a touch of class. Shooting is strong and clean, nice strikes on the ball. He flubs a few shots here and there but that is any card in this tier. He feels like he could be an alternative to regular Hazard in a Belgian team. Slightly different players but Carrasco is great. I would say his main weakness is his passing lets him down at times. His composure also lets him down in given situations with defenders surrounding him or the occasion missed break away. His shooting is phenomenal. With his high curve he can hit some great finesse shots. Some of his notable stats with Sniper chem are, 92 Positioning, 99 finishing, 86 Curve, 99 Agility, 99 dribbling, 95 ball control. His long shots are only 80 but they feel much higher, I would say close to 90, possibly because of his 90 shot power making up for this stat. Overall he is great. I would rate him at a 8.5/10 in terms of quality compared to overall rating. 10/10 in terms of value for money. Cheeky player, fun to use and unique. Real in game face. For the 1-10 ratings to the side I am basing them on how much I feel they reflect the cards stats or exceed them.
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