Thomas Müller's card is rated 89, he is 186cm | 6'1" tall, right-footed Germany striker (CF)
that plays for
FC Bayern München
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.3
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,133,795 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.426.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 13-09-1989 and he is now 34 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 1 goals and 0 assists in 2 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 38,750 on PlayStation,
43,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
ay you need to use him as cam, but that is not true! I have used him for 9 games so far 9 goals and 6 assists! Which is around an average of 1.7 goal contriuabions
per ga me. This is in 7 games of Div rivals and 2 games of squad battles on legendary. I'll be on honest I only orginally put him in my team for chemistry and I thought i would just replace
him as he had pace which was not optimal for my play style.
Everything he shoots he scores! He can create those through balls for my if werner to run onto and slam in top right hand corner! I've slapped a hunter on him to get rid of the pesky pace problem! He can keep ahead of the defender to complete a medium distance run before he falls behind and is tackle which is fineI have seen many people s.
His high high work rates allow him to regain possenion quickly
I use an all Bayern squad and I mostly play Squad Battles. I am basing this review from using him in the squad I provided above and while playing games on World Class difficulty or higher. My formation leads to somewhat equal goal scoring totals between my 2 strikers and CAM (Muller) so I don't solely rely on Muller to score.
When I first started building my squad I looked at his base card stats at face value and immediately dismissed him because of his seemingly low ratings. It wasn't until more recently I had picked up his Champions League card (87 rated) and man does he come in clutch. He has won so many games for me in the final minutes. I was very happy to see this upgrade. His face card ratings may not wow you, but his productivity will.
-High stamina allows you to get the most out of his High/High work rates. He is a maniac and you will find him all over the field, shaking things up on defense and then turning around to make runs into the box and score.
-He is a great pivot point in transition and lethal around the box if you give him a couple seconds to run into open space to shoot and put to use his very high finishing skill.
-With chems that give +10 jumping, coupled with the fact his is 6'2 ft., he is a good target from corner kicks
-4 star weak foot is always a plus
-Extremely cheap for what you are getting. If you have the coin and could use a CAM or CF, try him out as he is not what most people would call a big purchase.
-I would definitely recommend using Hawk on him. In his case, it gives the same boosts to shooting as Hunter chem would (minus penalties, which is generally irrelevant.) A nice boost to pace and physical rounds him out pretty nicely.
-If you're using him correctly, the fact that he has average pace shouldn't matter much.
-Simply put, he gets the ball in the net.
-A bit slow and clumsy, even with chems.
-He is not to be used to carry the ball down the field. He is best off the ball until you find him making that run towards the goal and ready to shoot.
-I would not use him in any other position than CAM or CF but experiment and see what works for you.I think those positions are where you will get the most out of his attributes. He is too slow to be a threatening striker and you want to give him space to run in to around the box rather than be stagnant at the defense's back line.
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