Wilfried Zaha's OBJECTIVE card is rated 85, he is 180cm | 5'11" tall, right-footed Côte d'Ivoire striker (ST)
that plays for
Crystal Palace
Premier League
with High/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.3
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 5-star skill moves,
giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game.
He does not have a real face in-game.
Wilfried Zaha has 2 special cards
with ratings between 83 and 92.
He was born on 10-11-1992 and he is now 31 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 1 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Hi guys, this is my first review, please don't be harsh, since I'm italian and I could do some grammar mistakes.
Anyways, let's talk about Storyline Wilfried Zaha.
Lads, what a player, he's been amazing for me, since the first game. Always (almost) on goal, always dangerous.
I've used him in 4th Division in Rivals (yes, i'm not that good actually) and in WL, but he always plays well, even when it happens that the team doesn't play well.
With Marksman it's unbelievable, since he's strong, agile and skillful and also scores easily, in particular with finesse shots. In the past I had Rashford and I complained about his difficulties in little spaces, sometimes he felt very heavy and I couldn't dribble properly, even if he scored lots of goals, but with Zaha dribbling are easy and entertaining to do.
The only problems are his stamina, which isn't the best, and his 3* WF that sometimes it's painful, since he can't score that much and also fails some crucial passes.
But overall, it's the best player I've used so far in my team.
He is a real beast for free. It was easy to get him from the objectives. At first i played him as a left wing in 4231 formation it was good, but i moved him in ST. Behind him Son, left Griezman 90 and right Pulisic. After that he was fenomenal fast dribble, perfect finess shots and realy fast. Passes are good and he can play 120min without problem. Most of the matches i played are in FUT champs i'm gold 2 he scored 32 goals in 29 matches during the weekend and got around 15 assists. 3*wf is not that bad, but sometimes is ... just bad. I played him with sniper chem.
Joy to play with him
Perfect copy of the real footballer as look and moving style
I used to play with Zaha regular as a CAM in a 433-4, therefore I picked this version of Zaha and I have no regrets.
This version has what regular Zaha didn't have in my opinion, passing and more importantly finishing, now that I play this version I never hesitate to shoot, he finally has the finishing of a striker so if you think about playing him as a ST go for it, he's quick, finishes well, passes well, 5* skills and he's strong and tall enough.
I'd advise you to put a Deadeye chem style if you play him as a CAM like me.
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