To begin with, I'm basically a gold 2 or a gold 1 player. When this card was about to release I thought that this would atleast cost me 100k or 200k. But EA had other ideas and has given us one of the top strikers from EPL for about 15-20k.
I Play him at ST in 4-2-3-1 as a Get in Behind ST using SNiper Che. Now breaking down Vardy's Stats,
Pace: He is super fast and can will make crazy runs behind the opposition defense line when the get in behind instruction is given. Vardy's 92 pace feels lesser in game. He's faster that that.
Shooting: An absolute monster when it comes down to shooting. Inside the D box, Press O for goal. His 89 finishing with 89 Shot power is the best part about shooting and the he fires the ball past the goalkeeper most of the times. Haven't tested his shooting from outside the box so I'm unaware of his long shots. His 90 positioning will make him come short for asking passes and also will make him run behind the defense line without you triggering his run.
Passing: The card's main con comes into picture here. His passing is average. 71 short passing is enough to make 1-2s and runs but his long passing is bad. Don't trying putting long through balls to wingers.
Dribbling: Vardy's dribbling stats doesn't look good on stats but can be improved by using Sniper. His Agility and Balance Increases and also He doesn't give you the truck feel. His dribbling is more than enough as he has 86 composure and he'll make quick turns to linkup with players.
Defending: His 85 heading is good if you are a player who plays crosses. Vardy will head the ball into the net when he's provided with crosses. He looks and tries to intercept passes as he's very quick. Apart from this nothing else from the defending stats.
Physique: His 71 strength doesn't make him feel weak like rest of the players because he has an aggression of 91. He can be pushed off the ball by strong defenders but he'll make sure he wins the ball back using his Aggression Stat.
- Pace
- Shooting (Inside the Box)
- Balance
- Aggression
- Price
- Premier League, Easy to Link (Scream Alli, IF Ndidi Etc)
- Long Passing
- Not suitable for god squads as there are other bettter St Options.
When I first saw the requirements, I was like - THAT MUST BE A MISTAKE BY EA. But it's not.I've done this card basically for free - as a supersub for WL and his 86 rating - useable in SBCs.
I was very curious of his perfeormance, so I slapped a marksman and used him as a supersub in every FC match today and some Rivals before - 20 matches in total.
At first glance, the card seems to play exactly like the stats would suggest it:
-very good pace, combined with good physical stats
-great shooting
-3*/3* and average dribbling
-okay passing
What really impressed me about this card is his ability to retake and keep the ball - high agression combined with good composure and decent defending stats make Vardy one of these strikers, who can really stick to the ball. That is useful when you press your opponent as Vardy can behave like Kante, retaking the ball hiigh up the pitch and scoring the goal afterwards.
And basically, that makes him the best supersub I have, as he is great in scoring goals late in the game or helping you to hold the ball and defend the result. He helped me a lot to get 12-1 today.
On the other hand, he is not a great great dribbler. Don't get me wrong - he isn't clunky or stiff on the ball but he won't let you dribble like Mertens or do some 4* sm which I found useful sometimes. also his left foot isn't great, but I would rathter give him 3,5 * - he is much better than Salah with his weak foot I would say. And also his passing may be disapointing, especially long passes are ineffective - the short ones are ok.
All in all, I would highly reccomend You doing this SBC - for 20k (or for free as most people have some 83s in their clubs) You get the cheapest Premier League 86 what makes him potentially useful for SBCs. What's more, it's simply great card to use for most people - as a supersub or regular player. Jamie won't score a beautiful longshot after passing 4 opponents with elastico and rainbow flick but he will save your ass, scoring a sweaty, outpacing the defenders or just simply by performing an accurate shot from inside the box.
I would say, he's like Werner IF but 20k instead of 200k, so GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY!
-shooting inside the box
-high agrression and composure
-decent defending that allows to retake the ball high up the pitch or defend in last minutes
-3*/3* (but the weak foot is okay - he can score with his left)
-long passing
-dribbling could be better
First off, i would like to say that this guy is a must for any Premier League squad. I play him in a 433(4) as the only ST with Firmino behind and sif Mahrez and RTTF Kent on the wings. The lad is just brilliant scoring game after game. Often he positions himself as a target man so that scoring with him is a joy
Good positioning
Shooting power
Physicality, often loses the ball when 1 on 1 with the opoosing defender
I'm playing Vardy as a central striker, which in my opinion is the only position he can play. But he plays it brilliant. His finishing is mad, almost like CR7. He pushed off defenders and his heading was great. He felt rapid, but his dribbling was ok. His speed and shooting makes his dribbling minor so brilliant card. Passing was ok. Sometimes his passes were horrific but usually he has average passing. If you got him, then it's an absolute bargain.
Shooting Pace Strength
Dribbling Passing (both not terrible)
When I first played with this guy my first thoughts were this guy is insane. I used him throughout Rivals in a sweaty division and he was better than mbappe and ben yedder in some games yet sometimes he does get beaten to the ball and out strenghed a bit.Overwise he is best player ever used.
shot power
fun to use
When I saw the SBC at the Web App I was like "NO WAY THAT MUST BE A MISTAKE". But surely it's not. For me he didn't cost one coin because I save all low budget high rated players in my club for SBCs. But even if you don't have one player to fullfill this SBC it just costs you about 22k and that is absolutely incredible for that kind of player. But enough of talking let's get to business.
I'm sure all of you know these players who got this special skill called LUCK. Although this skill doesn't really exist but you all know what I mean. And the SBC Vardy is definitly one of those players. I'm pretty sure this feeling comes from the great combination of high rated composure and aggression. In every 50/50 situation with a normal CB like Sanchez or Sokrates Vardy always keeps the ball. Sometimes it's so obviously that the defender deserves the ball but didn't get it that I feel sorry for my opponent :D It's similar to players like Ben Yedder (Inform and Gold). But not only these 50/50 situations makes vardy so special. I used Vardy with Hawk as chemistry style because I like to play fast through balls so I needed him as fast as possible and with a high value of finishing. And he didn't disappoint me at all. With 96 in pace and 94 in finishing he nearly scores every time in 1 on 1 situation with a keeper. If you're a player who likes to do short passes and score inside the box he might be not your first choise. In fact of his low rated agility 76 and only 3* in skill moves he's not so strong in dribbling and because of that he sometimes loses the ball if you try to drag back or do fake shots inside the box. But if you achive to make yourself some room in penalty area he will definitly scores. One bad attribute I have to admit is his passing. He defintily is a bad passer. Don't even try to make long through passes they will never reach it's target.
SO if you have some coins to spend or your club is full of low budget high rated players you really should consider to do this SBC and I'm pretty sure Vardy won't disappoint you.
combination of high composure and aggression (LUCK)
50/50 situations
1 on 1 with the keeper
3* skill moves
-Just your standard striker in pl.
-No better than Rashford, aguero etc
-Finishing does not feel amazing
-Nothing that special about it
-Overhyped by winter upgrade
-ok heading
-feels strong
-can't score from out the box
-poor agility makes pace seem slower
-can't dribble