After grinding through the BPM and doing loads of silver upgrades, I had a huge amount of championship players in my club, so I thought that it would only be logical to complete this sbc. Originally, I was just gonna complete it to get this 88 Murphy for future sbcs that would require high rated cards, however, I decided to try him out before I made a decision. This card only cost me 12k (had a lot of teams mostly completed), after great returns from packs, including FUT birthday Djene from a 7.5k Premium gold pack.
Let's start by looking at his stats:
Josh Murphy scored 13 goals and got 14 assists in 23 matches, resulting in more than a G/A per game, for a LM in a 442, this a very good return. (Used a marksman on him)
Pace: Absolutely rapid, which coupled with his incredible agility and balance, made him feel so quick on the ball.
Shooting: Very good, finished most shots inside the box, and seemed to have some very decent long shots.
Passing: Pretty decent for a winger, nothing amazing but it wasn't disappointing either, very much-so adequate.
Dribbling: Insane, he felt soooooo good on the ball, I would say he is one of the best dribblers of the ball I have tried out, just below FUT Birthday Saint-Maximin and base Neymar.
Defending: Pretty irrelevant for a winger, exactly what you would expect.
Physical: Stamina-wise he was very good, lasted for the whole game. Also, he isn't the weakest can hold off a few players, so overall not too bad,
Defending--> Irrelevant
Passing--> Pretty Basic
Takes a while to complete the championship sbc, but it is definitely worth it.