Tiémoué Bakayoko's FUT BIRTHDAY card is rated 88, he is 189cm | 6'2" tall, right-footed France midfielder (CDM)
that plays for
AS Monaco Football Club SA
Ligue 1 Conforama
with Med/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.0
out of 5 .
He has 5-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game.
Tiémoué Bakayoko has 4 special cards
with ratings between 80 and 88.
He was born on 17-08-1994 and he is now 30 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 4 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
He is just such a BEAST he was amazing for me in the WL(gold 2 player). He did his job and his defends is such AMAZING!!! He's STRONG on the ball and off.
He knows how to tackle a player on the right moment and for a few objectives i did him in 2 hours (i think it could go faster). All i can say just do him he's just as good as 85 Blanc ( in my team too)
Sometimes a bit cluncky btw i used him with Shadow.
clunky but i dont think its a problem
3*SM (for the skillers) but not a problem at all if your a solid player.
My mans is free just do his objective, you can not go wrong. Not to mention it is relatively easy. With that out of the way... you need to put a shadow on him. That would also be my first con. The fact that shadow is expensive and without it he has 80 awareness. Fortunately he has enough pace to begin with and gets 90+ with Shadow. That coupled with the elite defending, his height, decent agility and elite strength is the perfect formula for a striker bully. I run him in a 41212(2) as the CDM on stay back+ aggressive interceptions and cutting passes. These factors lead to him defending so well. Heads on against him you have no chance. He obliterates the attacking chance and starts yours with his superb passing. If you switch onto a different defender and let him do his thing, he will come out of no where to... well... cut the passes. If the attacker runs past him he most of the time is fast enough to keep up and definitely strong enough to push him off the ball or good enough to tackle cleanly. After that you just send your attackers to the front and he passes well enough to initiate the attack. Standout cons would be his shooting, but you don't need him scoring goals. His balance is horrifyingly low, but his strength kind of makes up for it. Surprisingly his stamina sits all the way at around 20% after the 75 mins mark. Luckily everyone else is tired then as well, but I did not expect that coming from 88 stamina. So expect him to occasionally be quite far upfront. Heading wise he is a okay but could be improved on.
Overall he is a superb defender with good AI and good passing. The pace needs to be upgraded with Shadow, which also upgrades is relatively low defensive awareness. You don't need him to shoot but make sure not to sprint with him all too often. Instead just jockey and anticipate the next pass.
When this dude came out I grinded on his objectives because he looked like a good holding midfielder.He played 18 games for me in wl. He is amazing. He wins all tackles and his physical is good as well. The gaps in this card is the shooting. Bruv ma grandmom can shoot better than him. If u use this card use him strictly as a cdm or cb. His 61 shooting is just tragic. Hes also got that 5 star weak foot.His defending is really really good. The thing that attracted me to this card is the 91 interceptions and that really showed in the matches.Out of 18 matches I won 15 and lost 3 which is pretty decent. He also won 5 motm which also speaks well for him considering hes a cdm and goals don't come easy to him. If you want a physical and brilliant defender hes ur guy.He makes a great partnership with prime vieira.
First, I am not a pro player. The division I am playing is 6th and each weekend league I manage to reach gold 3. I got bakayoko nearly at the ending time of the objective. Everyone can easily fit him in their team since we have good midfielders from France and he has a good link with ben yedder he is one of the players who everyone wants to use and he does not have a price tag just a time tag you wanna spend to get him. Previously I was using Sissoko gold card still it is one of the best CDM to use but his pass was lagging a bit but bakayoko 88 was one of the better options you could find at this price ever cheaper than gold Sissoko. He is physically strong and tall because of this he dominates the midfield in a defensive perspective. I used shadow on him which increased his acceleration which was useful to catch the opponent quickly and his passing is good and long passing especially I can find gaps to play through balls he passes 7/10 times (maybe I am not a good passer) even though he has good defensive and passing stats he is not an all-round player cause he lags shooting he can't even score open goals sometime. Finally, his dribbling which is good for a free card and for a defensive player but he cannot dribble fast since he lags agility again because of this he cannot be fitted into a all-around category.
WL player here. Gold 3/2/1 depends on the scripts. I don't run endgame team. See squad URL maybe you can give a tip :D
This guy is usable. The grind was dreadful, such a pain, that lasted a few hours. But the result is somewhat worth it. Used him as RCM with shadow, but with stay back while attacking. He is there at the midfield. The strength is there, pushes everyone, the speed is ok but not endgame. Aerial presence is good, but the highlight are the interceptions, he just does them 9/10. Passing is good, only on gorund ofc. Either foot :) . Dribbling is slow, don't do it. Cluncky as movements, don't try to turn around 29149 times, dragback is slow, don't do it. Shooting is bad, tried a few shots, worthless, don't do it. Stamina is until min 75, sub him, do it.
Worth the grind, do it, for a free card, EA sometimes gives good things.
If you are looking for endgame, don't do it, it's not what you need.
strength is good
interceptions are almost perfect
passing from all feet
stamina, for some reason he doesn't go 90 min ( and he is on stay back!!!)
Played as a lone CDM or central CM on stay back (41212/4312) with shadow. I prefer the 4312 but saw that the cut passing lanes instruction is key for Bakayoko from some YT reviews.
He always seemed out of place, sitting way too far up the pitch - med defensive workrate is my guess.
No doubt he is strong, great interceptions when actually defending and his passing is great from deep positions but really not sold on him. I'm not a great player, gold 3 when I care enough to play WL, but I feel more shaky with him as my CDM in the above formations than when I shift into a 3412 with attacking instructions.
Such a shame given POTM Ben Yedder and Amavi in my squad mean great options for switching up the team.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but not all that unfortunately for me. Back to league SBC Battaglia who is a ROCK!
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