Player Review
93 - TOTS
So today i decided to use Thiago in my WL just to test him out, and this is my conclusions after 30 games in an elite 3 finish.
he is pretty good value as he is only around 160k which for some of his stats is a steal.
He played cdm alongside birthday bakayoko, in a 4231 with a shadow chemstyle.
feeks really similar to PIM Pirlo but obviously a lot better value
pros are that: he intercepts alot (which is expected with 93 interceptions. His dribbling is unreal one of the best cards on the ball I've ever used and goes really well with 5* skills.
passing is also really good can pinpoint a pass from anywhere on the pitch to any distance like a prime xavi.
shooting is ok but nothing unexpected, can finish basic chances but can be a bit unreliable in front of goal.
pace is really good with shadow but is a bit unnecessary as he already has 88 acclereration. maybe use powerhouse or sentinel instead.
defending can seem a bit transparent at some points and messes up quite a few tackles, but can also make some good tackles and completely change the game controlling the midfield.
he feels very weak on the ball and can be pushed off quite easily by a player with high strength like Viera or other big midfielders.
Low aggresion also causes him not to get as stuck in to some tackles as he should.