Alan Shearer's Mid Icon card is rated 89, he is 182cm | 6'0" tall, right-footed England striker (ST)
that plays for
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 5.0
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 2-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,038,710 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 1.032.
Alan Shearer has 3 special cards
with ratings between 87 and 92.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 13-08-1970 and he is now 54 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 129,000 on PlayStation,
145,000 on Xbox,
and 130,000 on PC.
I've been playing FIFA for about as long as I can remember owning an Xbox which is about 5-6 years. In this time I've had ALOT of fun, and ALOT of anger and frustration to match. I cannot deny what joy this card has brought me over the years. I've played well over 1000+ games with this card and scored some INSANE goals. This man, this ICON. This card has saved me countless controllers from the shear fact that you can FEEL the effort that he puts in on the pitch. In real life Alan Shearer wore his heart on his sleeve and that is what gaming has given to me throughout my time playing. This is somewhat a blessing and a curse, due to the fact that I'm now 22 yrs writing a goodbye note to FIFA, this card and basically all video games. Yes as you can tell I'm still a virgin and have never had the pleasure of having a GF, and this is part of the problem of this game.
You play FIFA with the expectation of using your favorite players in real life and being able to do the things you've seen them do over and over again in the 5-10 minute highlight video that some random from a country you didn't know existed made with the background music WAYYY to loud.
The fact is (and this has taken me 5-6 years of playing and heavily smoking the Mary Jane and taking other PEDs to figure this out) this game steals you life, and brings you into a false sense of progress...
Weekend league wasn't even a thing back in the day and I was still a div 2-3 player. And 3 years later Rival became a thing or some shit, and boom more Divs and I'm the same player as I was all those years ago. The time, the money the energy that I have put into this game has (And I hate to say this) THE BIGGEST WASTE OF MY LIFE) The only saving grace of all of this is THIS card.
I got into FIFA because of my mates from school. BUT I'm going to STAY supporting Football and NUFC because of this man.
This card was the only card that truly played like his IRL counterpart. His shots are ROCKETS, His pace (As its his young card) is above average with a hunter, and IRL he may have been able to outpace some of today's defenders. But as you know, that's not how mafia works and I'm continuously forced to use his second and arguably best attribute is his HEART.
Playing against squads that are quite literally the price of a CAR or a BOND deposit of a rental or a fucking OVERSEAS HOLIDAY is fucking illegal. And it's also mirrored by the way these people play as you know.
But the satisfaction I felt as this card/ICON pushed and shoved and WORKED his ass off to score at least one goal a game for me kept me coming back for all these years of pain and torture.
I'm writing this 4000 word essay not as a criticism of whoever is playing this game, or of the game itself. But as a farewell and a love letter to this card, this game and all the memories games has given me. I hope some people who are going through a tough time in their life can appreciate and understand how I feel about this game and the card that is ALAN SHEARER.
Heart (Stamina/Physical) the amount of goals this card has scores in the 80+ minute for me to win over the years I've used it is unimaginable, the way he just pushes through other players using his strength and balance and his stocking stature is like a Mountain Goat headbutting its way to a mate. He can hold the ball up extremely well to play passing plays through for faster players and is strong enough himself to turn CBs after handing the ball off to make an in behind run, to only blast the ball in the top corner.
Shooting - Rockets is all I have to say. If you're lucky enough to get him early game he finishes everything on his right, and is consistent on his left as well from short range. But around the time of November every year, for some reason the game dies (If you've played FIFA as long as I have you will know what I mean)
Pace - Needing a hunter to get his full potential, but if you have momentum as well, pffff he's a glitch. Late game as is the same with his shooting there is still alot to be desired.
Heading - He's a kangaroo on smaller CBs, and surprisingly scores a lot of corners if you mismatch him with smaller defenders.
HE'S THICC (Dribbling). Not the best dribbling, but can still turn a VVD when needed in some situations, and can pull off some damn illegal ball rolls.
Height. Being 6'0 he can get overwhelmed by the likes of VVD, Varane and basically most CBs taller than 6'1.
Passing. I wasn't using the man to pass, he was my pick and popper. But if you do want to pass with him, make it his right foot.
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