Thierry Henry's Prime Icon card is rated 93, he is 188cm | 6'2" tall, right-footed France striker (ST)
that plays for
with Med/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.2
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,038,020 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 1.058.
Thierry Henry has 3 special cards
with ratings between 87 and 94.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 17-08-1977 and he is now 47 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 690,000 on PC.
With my 25x83 pack fodder decided to roll the dices and make and mid/prime icon pack. When i saw french striker i imagined trezeguet, but thamk god it wasnt him, but prime henry.
All i have to say is that he is astonishing (35 games 73 goals, between wl and div 1 rivals), a very good, fun card to use with a very marked pros and cons. Used him with finisher chem style
First of all, i do think he is worth the 2kk coins, maye a little less, but definitely a good valued card.
now lets continue with stat per stat
Pace: really good, i tried him with a chem style which doesnt upgrade pace and despite that he felt very quick, sometimes even outpacing varanes and prime cannavaros
Shooting: oh my god, the shooting in this card is a simply beauty, the only bad thing i found in his shooting is how inconsistent his left foot is during power shots. sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shite
Passing: normal
Dribble: very very agile despite being tall and with a bad body type for an striker (btw dont worry about balance, it does not make the difference)
let me start by saying I idolize Henry as an Arsenal fan, so when I got the coins for his prime I went for it but I'm slightly disappointed by the card, he bangs in goals constantly and has the ability to finish a lot of chances but his clunkiness makes him a not so much fun card to use and I really wish that was different. I use Henry in a 4-2-3-1 as a lone striker in division 1(2150 skill rating)
his shooting inside the box on his right is outstanding and his volleys and finesse and chip shots are great Aswell. but even with the 4 star weak foot it feels like he cannot finish on his left for the life of him
his passing is solid for a striker and is more than you can ask for him I'm being honest, zero complaints here
dribbling is something that concerns me, his first touch and ability to run straight on and do a skill move are fine but the second you want to try to make quick turns and bob in and out of space its near impossible.
his physicality is great, he shrugs off a lot of the bigger center backs and with the fullback meta being used so often those players can't hold their own against him at all
he is absolutely rapid there's not questioning that
but I'm going to keep using him because he's scoring ability is insane and as long as gameplay feels smooth he's a great player but the clunkiness causes issues, if coins aren't an issue or he's a player you love, get him hell be insane but keep in mind he isn't Messi or mbappe he is not going to skill past players the same way.
shooting on strong foot
passing short and long range
versatile enough to play as a LF/FR or a wide CAM
left foot
if gameplay is poor he's beyond clunky and not to fun to use
I write this review, because Henry made the game fun for me again, and i played him nearly 140 games (70% wl, 30% div rivals i guess)
First of all some information about me:
- Division 3
- Gold 2 Fut Champs
- Decent at trading
So i consinder myself as a casual player and for Div 1 and Elite+ people this review might not be right.
For other casuals like me, this guy is incredible!
I used a lot of Strikers this year (Mbappy Toty, Etoo Prime, Pele Mid, Butra Prime, Dalglish Mid, Rashford TOTGS to name a few) and this guy was the best. I dont know what it is exactly, but his positioning in combination with his pace,bodytype and finishing is just insane. He is not the guy you want to dribble and change directions 10 times, he is the guy you send with a through ball and he will finish the job! I play 442 and the second striker never comes close to Henry.
Everybody who likes Henry as a player irl should try him out! And if you want to play a strike who doesnt seem meta at first sight, give this man a chance, he will shot himself into your heart :D
Week foot
maybe his height and bodytype sometimes, but this helps him to hold the ball
Man. Thierry Henry was the reason I started to love soccer. Living in the United States back in the day literally only the top 4 (maybe 6) teams were televised and Arsenal being one of those team, was the main reason I fell in love with the beautiful game. I was so excited, at the beginning of the year I packed baby Vieira and then I completed the Bergkamp SBC (dont judge me), naturally I HAD to go for the OG himself... Theirry Henry...
I sold mbappe, ronaldo, and neymar because I saw the prices begin to fall and all of a sudden... I was able to get Henry! I purchased him for around 2.2 mil on the transfer market and put him immediately into my weekend league team. I assumed his card would be just as good as mbappe despite having M/M workrates and I guess you could say the two cards are similar but you can feel the difference between Henry’s dribbling and Mbappe. So disappointing. Theirry Henry is a LEGEND, even rival fans would agree with this. EA, Henry is the most composed and balanced player and you disrespect him with 83 and whatever the hell that balance rating is!? Anyways, during the weekend league matches I scored in 19/30 matches with Henry. He missed some chances that should of been stuck in the back of the net but almost every shot hit the damn post. His finesse shot on the other hand is phenomenal but I think EA should of gave him an outside of the foot trait as well, then he would be be absolute mustard. Passing was amazing, good crosses and long range passes but when it came to his dribbling he just felt a little slow and I kept feeling unsure if he would get the ball knocked off him because of his balance.
Im ashamed to say I will be selling Henry :( maybe ill try his mid card next who knows
dddddddddddddddddddddThierry Henry is probably one of the worst strikers I’ve used in a long while on this game. Being a div 3 and average gold 1 weekend league player, there are just better strikers I’ve come up against.
I got him from my prime icon pack and thought he’d be amazing. I had a decision, icon pack or PIM Drogba. I really wish I took Drogba.
I use him next to Hugo Sanchez’ base card and I honestly think that Hugo is better. I’ve used cheaper and lower rated prime icons who are miles better (Crespo, Okocha, Shevchenko) and honestly wish I got one of them instead of Henry.
His shooting frequently hits the post and he’s very often offside (for reference I don’t play him on get in behind anymore)
The majority of the time when you’re looking to buy a player in Futbin reviews they either don’t exist or are 4.5-5 star rated. This is my honest opinion on him and how he preforms for me. I play him left striker in a 352, as he has 4*4*, and he doesn’t really perform. I’ve swapped him round from left to right, but no change really occurs. I use an engine on him but it doesn’t make a difference.
Honestly, if a player isn’t the meta you can’t use them. Henry isn’t meta. Just stick to Mbappe Rashford Ronaldo and those lot if you’re looking for a cheaper substitiute
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