Kulusevski's FUTURE STARS card is rated 88, he is 186cm | 6'1" tall, left-footed Sweden winger (RW)
that plays for
Piemonte Calcio
Serie A TIM
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.6
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 6,656,346 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.332.
Kulusevski has 3 special cards
with ratings between 77 and 88.
The best chemistry style for him is ENGINE.
He was born on 25-04-2000 and he is now 24 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 1 assists in 3 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 30,000 on PlayStation,
30,000 on Xbox,
and 40,000 on PC.
Taking out the nostalgic factor with CR7, this guy definitely gives Cristiano a run for his money. Comparing the 2 Kulu wins in terms of face card stats in every category... Not spoiling anything but i will say this guy definitely doesnt have fake stats, he is electric, dribbles past anyone with ease, has a rocket glued to the end of the boot and i feel like he rigged the game and put a magnet in the goal and jigged up the ball because everything ends up in the back of the net. This guy may be expensive coming in at around 450-500k on both consoles but that pricetag is more than justified when you look at how he performs in game at both a ST, RM position. I have some have a video of some gameplay if you guys want to see what im talking about https://youtu.be/slyoHuqeWHM . This guy can also distribute the ball like prime xavi, left foot, right foot, doesnt matter, he does it with ease. Meanwhile as a whole, you must consider that it is still early days in this promo so he is susceptible to an adjustment in price and i would be suprised to see that valuation trend up with the links he has! So my suggestion is to definitely pick him up and try him for yourself before he gets too expensive
Face Card Stats
Electrifying pace
Attack position is on point
cant touch this, dun nun nun nah dun nah dun nah (Dribbling)
Fortunately, I did not complete the CR7 flashback challenge, which made my decision easy to go for this bad boy. Just look at those stats with finisher chem style equipped ... delicious. He has the Ruud Gullit body type with that pace and gets over 90 agility ... and he feels exactly like that! So I will keep this short, the only small con for me is, he is letting the other 10 guys look like idiots now.
He is just perfect
Nothing, get him ASAP! I bet he will reach his maximum price range value soon
Im from sweden and i have alot of Serie A in my squad so this was a no brainer card to try out. I play a 3-4-2-1 formation in game and he plays as a LF next to CR7.
I didnt expect too much from him to be honest, i have Dybala and i thought he would be bigger and slower than him and less clinical. But boy was i wrong, so far 5 games into Champs he has scored 7 Goals and assisted 3.
This is by far the best RW ive tried in Fiffa so far from the Serie A, but i think if you play him as a wide winger you wont have that much fun with him, yes he can pass and dribble, he is strong but he also needs to be closer to goal to get the best out of him, Dybala is better at wing play than him, much more nimble, so if u have both swap them i would say.
Pace: 9/10
He is not Rapid as such,, i have Hunter Chem on him and he plays on 7 Chem but he is very fast for his size
Shooting 8/10
If you are in the box, just pull the trigger and its really good, from range its less so but still shoots hard
Passing 7/10
Its not Pirlo but his passing does the job for him, for a RF its 10/10 passing, just dont play him as a playmaker
Dribbling 9/10
His first touch is awesome, just so smooth and he turns quickly as well, all this is suprising considering his size
Defending 7/10
He has Size and decent stats, he comes back on defense for me and his size really helps, but he is not a Midfielder remember
Pysical 9/10
He can run for 90 minutes no problem, he is a presence in the air as well and strong. Nothing at all to complain about, juist awesome
I'm going to try to keep my review as short as possible while I cover all important aspects. So first off, I got him to replace my Flashback Cristiano Ronaldo, I wasn't tired or disappointed in CR7 but instead I just wanted to change things a bit in my squad. I play a 4-3-2-1 with Kulusevski as RF with Finisher chem style. I've used him in 25 games and gotten 18 goals and 17 assists with him. I expected him to be much better than FB CR7 in every way (as face stats suggest), but I must admit that they are each meant for different kinds of players, but I'll get into each face stat to explain better.
His card displays a whopping 92 pace which would mean that hes a real quickster. Although, I must admit that I believe that the stats here are slightly fake. Now don't get me wrong, he sure is fast and is a great sprinter, but he's not 92-level-fast, he feels just a few points slower. Comparing him to FB CR7 I must say that CR7 runs a bit faster and much smoother.
His card dispays a solid 85 that goes up to 94 with chem style. He is undeniably a crazy good shooter. His shots are very consistent and very accurate. And not only that, it feels like he has a cannon for a foot with that shot power. On top of that add his 4* weak foot that sometimes feels like its 5*. Now comparing him to FB CR7 this is a big win for Kulusevski since Ronaldo's shooting is inconsistent.
His base card shows a high 92 that goes even higher to 97 with chem style. Unfortunately this is a stat group that disappointed me. Don't get me wrong, it disappointed me in the sense that he's a good dribbler, but nowhere near 92 or 97. His ball control is sometimes weak, his dribbling isn't that quick and what often bothers me is that he feels physically very wobbly. I mean wobbly as in 'he feels like he's going to trip and fall at any moment'. This is maybe the biggest difference with FB CR7 who is a much better dribbler despite lower stats, although thats probably truely due to Ronaldo's custom body and running type.
His card shows an amazing 87 passing. There isn't much to say here, he is a truely great passer who can distribute the ball around with such ease and give very good assists. Compared to Ronaldo this is a big win for Kulu.
He boasts an incredible 86 physical which is very rare for a winger. With 99 stamina this kid can run the full 90 minutes. His strength displays a solid 84, but honestly it feels more like 75, although he's still pretty strong. Compared to Ronaldo this is another big win for Kulu.
So my big conclusion: Kulusevski is for the kind of player whose game is more of a tiki-taka and uses more complete players, FB CR7 is more for the player who can dribble and truely use Ronaldo's 5* skill moves. They are both great players and it's up to each player to decide who they'll use.
I'm not going to lie I am absolutely terrible at this game. I'm div 6 and get sliver 1 in fut champs. However is was very lucky and fortunate to pack Kulu and he has honestly carried my team scoring half my goals at LM in a 4-4-2. I'm not exactly the best a technical skills so I mostly rely on passing and luck to beat defenders, so this guy is absolutely perfect for me. I would recommend him for everyone's team as he isn't a player I see to often in games but is very fun to use. I hope the helps out the average player like me as I probably won't be getting silver 1 if it wasn't for him. I also use artist on him would recommend using this if you play him LM. But finisher if you play LW
I honestly don't have much to say. He is just really good. I'm a div 3 Rivals player and he is an absolute game-changer for me since packing him out of the 85+ double upgrade (yes give me hate I deserve it). I also have Neymar in my team and he is as good, if not better - as his stats would suggest. He scores most finesses from the edge of the area and is clinical inside the box.
Nuts shooting - long shots, finishes or anything, his shots will normally always go in.
Can find nearly anyone on the pitch with his direct, crisp passing.
His dribbling is the best of anyone I've tried (including Neymar and the GOAT Veron).
Great Stamina and Pace - runs past everyone and can last all game. Also solid strength.
I have not a single second of experience with him playing as a winger or wide CAM as everything I'm writing refers to him playing as a ST next do Moments Dybala with 86 Deulofeu as the CAM.
I love the fact that he is one of those cards, where the stats are already designed in a manner that you can instantly see which chem style is required to improve those other stats that still need a boost. In his case, played as a striker, the Finisher chem style was the 100% obvious choice for me as his pace and passing are already fine enough. With the boosts from Finisher, he has it all. And you'll feel it ingame. Your opponents will, too.
This guy combines the body, the pace, the deadliness inside the box, the dribbling, the attacking AI runs, the general presence in attack, the 4* 4* and everything else that you could ask for. If you can get him on 10 chem (in my perfect world, nobody spends 500k on a player that he or she can't get on 10 chem), have enough coins and got the feeling that your attack needs an upgrade, try him out! I strongly belive he is a waste on the wings due to everything he offers that you want from a ST, CF or CAM, while appropriate wingers are a lot easier to find.
when making powerful strikes, his left and right foot feel similarly deadly and are almost 100%-goals
his finesse shots with his left are guaranteed goals
probably the best attacking positioning I've experienced this FIFA by now
feels very fast
complete striker with Finisher, that will serve his purpose in the upcoming months, maybe even until TOTS
nice standing tackle stats for an attacking player that can create one or two extra chances per game, especially when you play press after posession lost, constant pressure or manual team press
acceleration and sprint speed are almost identical - I hate it when 92 pace for instance consinsts of something like 99 acceleration but only 81 sprint speed or something in that area, you'll get what I mean
his ingame face is really awful (someone else mentioned that, too :D), they gave him the looks of a generic ginger office worker from the mid 2000s GTA games, he also reminds a bit of Squidward's house
finesse shots with his right foot are sometimes noticably worse and less reliable than with his strong left foot
has none of the popular traits (outside foot shot, finesse)
(might be too tall for the wing, but idk)
he is expensive
only 4* 4* (can't believe I'm writing this, but I have to keep the price tag in mind to be fair)
Got this guy yesterday in the 85 double upgrade. Didn't fit in my team, so I threw him on the bench. Played a few rivals matches subbing him on at half and he played incredible, easily outperforming EOAE Rooney.
Pace: 9/10: Not incredibly fast but clearly no issue, on 10 chem he'd likely be a 9.5 or 10/10 here.
Shooting: 10/10: Seems to me when you have a left footed player with good shooting stats they just score everything. In only 3 games he scored every type of goal with ease. Finesse, bottom corner, top corner, short side, cross body, you name it. The ball flies off of his feet. Weak foot is no issue either.
Passing: 6/10: Passing wasn't great, put too much weight on alot of passes (could be user error) and just wasn't anything special. Not a big issue though, and will likely improve the more I play with him.
Dribbling: 10/10: This is what makes him so good. He's 6'1 but dribbles like a 5'7 player. Very agile, very shifty.
Defending: N/A: No real experience with this in 3 games at ST.
Physical: 9/10: Bodied defenders, the ball kept bouncing back to him even when I'd run into Varane or Gomez
(all in DIV2 rivals)
-Body type/Animations
-Attack positioning
-4 star 4 star
-Passing not the best
-Links (reason I used as sub, will be looking to get him in the main team now though)
This card was firstly used in weekend league and 2 i am a div 5 player and this card is one of the best i have used.His record for me in fut champs was 40 goals in 25 games which is ridiculous for me as the closest record to that was 20 in 20 by deulefeu.Secondly I used a hunter chem style as he wont become neymar with an engine.Finally I used him at triker with deluefeu in a 5-3-2 or 4-1-2-1-2.
PACE this card was very fast he could breeze past varane gomez even fullbacks like kaiber and sure he is not like the recent diatta or a mbbappe but for someone at 6'0 he is great.
SHOOTING he is a CANNON his weak foot is also non existant and he finishes anything outside the box,1v1s,Finesses,Headers,any shot you can think of hes got it (for the record i think he only missed twice all weekend
PHYSICAL he is 99 stamina and it shows he improves as the game goes on he is also quite strong and doesnt lose many challenges and can win the ball well
PASSING he can pass and cross well
DRIBBLING this can be the deal breaker he has a big frame which could stop neymar or ronaldinho enthuasiasts for me hes in the middle of neymar or messi silkyness and ronaldo as he can do skill moves well (if you dont need 5* skills whick is a let down but i do well with 4*)
DEFENDING this is the biggest surprise for me as i was curious i played him at fullback in rivals and he was ok but i dont recomend (could play at cm)
Surpisingly agile
LINKS (if you arent willing to shell out for a cuadrado)
I completely understand why pros use him. He is insanely good and a super nice cam. Fits everything u need in that position perfectly. I am super pleased to have gotten this beast in the fut birthday party bag and i can't wait to use him in the next fut champions and destroy everyones hopes and dreams.
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