Other than the wf, this is litterely kent in every way - if you compare his stats to the 84 version last year lozano is just better in every way by a bit and plays exactly like kent ingame. His dribbling is absolutely mad however missing the 5* sm is always a shame with these kinds of card, but yeah the pace with the lean body type and 99 agility is absolutely unstoppable, and he can shoot like a god too. Links are a problem, but tbh ur gonna use him as a sub anyways. However he isn't really a super sub, he is a goal sub (like kent last year) - a sub that will guarantee you a goal in your game. He is super cheap for his stats (especially because his headliners was only like 30k less than this card and 4 ratings lower). I rate him a 9.7/10 as he is just missing that 1* on sm and wf, and could maybe do with being a little better for links and strength wise. 2 super rigged fut champs games and still got 4 goals (honestly SUPER rigged; I always find Friday the hardest and the most boring).
Finishing and shot power
Short passing
Ball control
4* sm
4* wf
5'9" and Lean body type
H/L work rates
Long passing
Defending could be higher
Links (Mexico and Napoli)
Hi Everyone, I am writing a review on TOTS Hirving Lozano, here we go
I needed a solid winger from any league, but I had no coins. Then I see TOTS Lozano. I do his sbc, and hop into a game. Also, I have him on 7 chemistry with a marksman for anyone asking Just one sentence to describe him. PLEASE DO HIS SBC.
Shot Power to break the net
Fast, Agile Dribbling
First up when I saw his SBC I was amazed by how good this card looked and for what price his SBC was. I was questionable about doing him because like pretty much everyone I had very few fodder, but at the end I decide that I cant sleep on this card and this was my best decision that I have made in this fifa. My man is out of this world he has everything you want for ST and in 12 WL games he scored 23 goals with Marksman chem style. I highly recommend you to his SBC you will find out that its 100% worth it
Pace obviously
Work rates
pretty much everything
maybe strenght but with marksman that aint problem