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Player Review

90 - Icon
Great, but not worth the coins
By Tilimo, 08-02-2021

Okay, so before everyone starts throwing tomatoes, hear me out. Butragueño is a good card, but for me, he is nowhere near worth the coins. I am a division 1 player and have used players like IF Neymar, base and mid Dalglish, mid Del Piero and mid Nedved. The goal contribution record of my attackers is almost always positive. Even with prime Nakata (which is amazing and worth a try IF you know how to play with him), I have a record of 1,5 per game.

  • Pace (8/10)

His pace with hawk is good (I also tried hunter which is even better), but he has a weird running animation which makes him look kind of slow. As a comparison, mid Nedved outruns Varane, but Butra is almost slaughtered by Varane. There is just a lack of explosiveness. The low strength doesn't help as well

  • Shooting (7/10)

This one hurts the most. Outside the box, his shooting is great. Scored some real top corner bangers. But inside the box, he just misses quite a lot. Especially the finesse shots (which is the reason why I bought Butra over Dalglish). At first I thought I did something wrong. But when I did almost the exact same shots with mid Nedved, I knew that the shots were doable. Also his shotpower doesn't seem to come close to that of Dalglish. This was really frustrating because reviews are talking about his amazing shooting. Also, the video's that I watched about him made my mouth water. But in-game, it just wasn't the card for me. I would choose mid Nedved over Butra every day of the week

  • Passing (7/10)

As with base Dalglish, this one surprised me the most. His passing is really good. Even close to an 8. His long balls do miss the target from time to time, but he still had 8 assists in 15 matches, which is quite good in my opinion for a striker. 180 passes aren't for him, but that is to be expected. Double-tap passes, on the other hand, are not bad at all

  • (8/10)

His dribbling is nice. Not as good as POTM Felix or Neymar, but for sure good enough to mitigate his 3 star skills. He is agile and able to avoid tackles or body to body contact (which is great, knowing he has low strength)

  • (6/10)

He actually got some really nice interception and tackles. I think it is thanks to his fast running and small body, pushing himself between the ball and the opponent

  • (5/10)

It is okay, but not good enough. He does get pushed off the ball easily and only 2 out of 10 times his balance is able to save him. I would make sure you use his dribbling well to avoid contact at all costs

Overall, I was not impressed. I sold him after 15 games and I haven't had a single regret. I think this is a case of 'just not the player for me'. The only thing that I can say is: if you happen to be in the same situation, buy mid Nedved (or base Dalglish). Both are everything Butragueño has to offer and more.

I hope this was helpful for some of you ^^

  • Better than expected passing
  • Is fast and agile
  • Has the five star weak foot
  • Is really present of the pitch
  • Not thát great shooting inside the box
  • Weak
  • For the price, there are better options like mid Nedved or Base Dalglish
Formation: 442
Position: ST
Games: 15
GPG: 0.73
APG: 0.53
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (5/10)
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