honestly worth the money ... picked him up for 1.85million and has more goals than games and an assist in every 2 from cam in 4231 in otherwise a pretty basic team
shooting:9.5/10 timed finiesse=goal
Heading:7/10 good jumping means he can win headers at 5foot 9 but not really what you buy him for
Dribbling:10/10 nuf said
passing:8.5/10 very good in most situations
Physical:6.5/10 can be pushed off the ball by high physical defenders but can hold his own with a hawk chemistry style
this is my 1st review for 19 and i didn't plan on writing any reviews in 19 but this card has stood out so much for me than i had to let people know while he's still at a pretty manageable price. The best way i can describe him is to take the best qualities of POTM hazard and CR7 and combine them into 1 player and you get prime best (obviously minus the 6 foot 2 height). he shoots like ronaldo and even heads like him too, this guy can jump and he dribbles just a smooth as potm hazard. This is by far the best RW in the game. i have used them all and i even used prime stoichkov at RW and his shooting was good but that 3 star WF for a 2 million plus card is no bueno for me and his dribbling was nowhere near best. IF Mbappe has holes in his game that best fills (dont get me wrong IF mbappe is still a good card but this best card is that much better) i used him in back to back WL's and i am a gold 3 player. i stop once i get 14 wins and prior to best it was taking me 25 games but the last 2 weekends were 21 and 20 games. he heads in corners, hits some sick outside foot shots on the edge of the box, gets in behind all the time, and is just a joy to control.
pace, dribbling, shooting, passing, heading
I play him middle CAM on 4-2-3-1 (switch in game) with marksman chem style, and he has an amazing goals per match ratio (playing div rivals div 4, fut champs and squad battles legendary), also he can assist as well. The dribbling on him its just incredible, better than messi, and his shooting better than cristiano. The only let down on him its his physical, can be bullied often, but using skill moves and driblling he can get trough every time.
His price i think is fair, because he is a game changer and the BEST player in the game.
-Pace 9/10
-Dribbling 10/10
-Shooting 9.5/10
-Passing 9/10
-Defending 6/10 (Can win some balls time to time)
-Physical 6/10 (With that dribbling and using skill moves not a problem at all)
I don't know where to start, so far this prime icon version of George Best have been amazing and by far the best player that I've used this year (used pretty much every good attacking player apart from CR7).
It all started with that SBC release, I had an untradeable icon that i got from some rewards and I was only waiting for a huge Icon SBC to get rid of it.
Which I did Eventually when EA released the Prime SBC of George Best and it all started from there...
Being a huge fan from regular Mbappé in game I had a problem with the two players playing on the right side of the pitch so i started Best for chemistry reasons and once games started i would play Mbappe as my striker and Best as my CAM. OH BOI.
- Quick : To be honest he isn't the fastest player i've tried this year, (i'd give this award to POTM Sterling) but he's more than fast enough and can get rid of any defender when he's starting from a good position
- Finesses : This guy is literally and figuratively a legend when it comes to finesses, how many time did he come up clutch in games by scoring amazing NON-TIMED FINESSES in the very last minute, I can tell that it was an amazing upgrade to my team, his positioning and his right foot are out of this world
- Finishing and shot power : When he's in the penalty area 9/10 if he shoot you can be sure that it'll be a goal, his finishing coupled with his shot power a deadly weapons when it comes to scoring goals.
- Trough balls : As a CAM and with Mbappe in front of him it comes without to say that a brilliant passing ability is needed and he definitely got it, how many time was i amazed by a ball that seemed at first like a no go and that ended up arriving perfectly of a Mbappe in a solo run to the goal, dream.
- Weak foot : I couldn't recommend his weak foot shooting ability because i was mainly shooting with his right foot, but when it comes to his passing it was really good, there probably is better options but it's more than enough
- Physicality : That probably was the aspect of Best's game I was the least expecting, he doesn't have a great jumping and heading ability, as he isn't the tallest player ever obviously but when it comes to strength and balance I was amazed by how he got rid of defenders and then threx them away with his arms, obviously he'll sometimes get caught up by defenders but i'd say in 7/10 challenge he would keep the ball.
- Skill moves : 4 stars are really good, la croqueta with him doubled with his shooting are a deadly combination
- Height and heading : Obviously something you won't expect from him. However it's always nice to have a player that can contribuate in this area of the game which isn't the case with Mr Best
- Skill moves : He's already deadly but considering what kind of amazing dribbler he was as a player EA could've gave me a 5th star.
- Yellow cards : I don't know what is up with referees in this game with George Best but he seems so quick when he tries to get the ball from defenders that he'll very often tackle them. We're not talking about tackles from the back but still, he'd get yellow cards a lot due to this very aggressive way to run at defenders.
Before George Best's prime icon sbc came out, I rocked his baby card in CAM. I currently am in division 2, div rivals, and a consistent elite player. His pace is insane, dribbling is sick as well and his shootingand passing are also very good, the only thing that could be better are his physical (70), and his work rates, if you played him in a different position, other than cam, but for me that's his best position. I play him in a 4-2-3-1 with him a RAM, prime stoichkov and middle CAM, potm hazard at LAM and CR7 up top.
Some aspects of physical (stamina)
skill moves
week foot
I make the prime best for maybe 1.3mil coins in the SBCs and i wa so doubt if he is worth the coins an the fact that he is untrade.
After 30 Games i can say he is so much worth thats unbelieveable.
In my opinion was neymar if one of the best Player in the hole game. I bought CR7 and other Icons but i think neymar was better than all. My playstile is that i play every time fast forward an i dribble a lot and than timed finesse into the net and this every time. You think wow that is to easy to defend but if you can to get timed finesse green than you dont need so much chances to get a goal.
Neymar have the 5*/5* Combo and this is what makes the difference.
Now i come totaly to Best. Now i have Neymar and Best and after these 30 games i was thinking who the f*ck is Neymar? Because Best where in all things better than Neymar. The only pro for neymar is now for me that he has 5* Skills and Weekfoot.
Best is extremly fast and agile. His Shooting is on another level every finesse get into the net.
Every player who search for a fast and agile Player and also can extremly good at shooting must choose BEST.
- very fast
- extremly agile
- great finishing
- left foot feels often like 5*
- good stamina
- very good heading
- the only disadvantage he has is that he has to less strength but also better than Neymar