João Félix Sequeira's card is rated 91, he is 180cm | 5'11" tall, right-footed Portugal striker (CF)
that plays for
SL Benfica
Liga NOS
with High/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.4
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 741,052 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.615.
João Félix Sequeira has 5 special cards
with ratings between 69 and 91.
The best chemistry style for him is FINISHER.
He was born on 10-11-1999 and he is now 25 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 1 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 80,000 on PlayStation,
65,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Joao Felix is an incredible player. I packed him yesterday on the Liga NOS tots pack, and got impressed by his game. He is fast, agile and has an incredible definition, shot power and effect(22 goals in 10 games). Although he only has 53 strength, his 91 balance helps him a lot. His passing is also quite impressive, and the best of all is his stamina (99). He can be running all the game and he won't get tired, it is amazing. Finally, I don´t feel he has 3 weak foot stars, in fact, I scored 5 goals with his weak foot.
Where do i start. I got him from my red player picks on Thursday and i have used him with Bruno Fernandes ever since i got him. He is incredibly agile which results in him being extremely fast when it comes to getting in behind and past the defenders. His finishing is outstanding on his left right foot and occasionally scores a goal on his left. The big reason his finishing is this good is because of the power he gets behind his strikes. 99 SHOT POWER! Although this card is 200k+, he is definitely worth trying out. A great player to use him with is Bruno Fernandes, who is dropping in price, so you can pick him up for around 120k possibly. Personally, i would use an Artist to maximise his passing and dribbling ability!
In the link i attached, i switch in game and put Kluivert and Fernandes up top and Felix in the CAM position!
I didn't expect much when I got him in my reds but after doing flashback Jonas and moments Kluivert, I tried him in CAM and he is honestly one of the best attackers I've ever used this year. He is so quick and agile and doesn't get knocked off the ball often. He is the best dribbler I've used this game and his passing isn't that bad either - just avoid crossing with Felix. Onto his shooting; his positioning is 80 but it seems much better than that and, combined with his 99 shot power and 91 finishing, he's just lethal in front of goal. I normally struggle with 1 on 1s, but with Felix it just seems much easier. However, his physical and defending isn't great though. He does have 99 stamina, but his 53 strength is an issue when playing against big centrebacks and his jumping doesn't really feel like 84. Other than that, buy Felix now!!!
Extremely quick
Amazing dribbling
Great shooting
Balance and agility
Could be difficult to link, but with TOTS, icons and being Portuguese it shouldn't be difficult.
Hey everyone! It's approaching the end of FIFA 19, and as such, I'm using my restricted capital to try out fun squads and players within my price range. The linked squad is this weekends result of that, and MIGHT be a team I run through a second weekend league.
For those curious, all of the LIGA NOS players were purchased, everyone else is untradeable. Eder Militao and the man himself Felix being the most expensive at 300k and 200k respectively, Telles being 100k, with Rafa and Pizzi coming in at another 100k for the pair.
First up, gotta be honest. This squad is a LOT of fun. For the average person who's probably got more spare coins than me, there's a lot of potential for improvement, but as it is now, the squad is pretty great. I'll be doing reviews for Pizzi and Rafa in due course, as well as Prime Moments Kluivert.
For my player history, I hit Gold 3/ 2 every weekend depending on my time/ effort. I usually hit gold 3 with <10 games remaining. This weekend I hit gold 3, but had a poor start to the weekend league, due to getting used to these smaller players. I was 5-7 at one point and finished 14-11.
Felix scored 30 goals and got 11 assists in 25 games of Fut Champs this weekend, playing as the second striker in a 4222.
Pace: 9/10
I've been using POTM Aubameyang since his release, and Felix feels faster off the mark. For some reason (probably due to his strength, more on that later), his sprint speed does taper off, but still, he burned nearly every defender he came up against. His immense dribbling contributes to his pace, making him silky smooth at all times while running. Knock-ons are extremely effective as a result. I didn't wish he was faster at any stage.
Dribbling: 9/10
Ignore his 3* skills. He's the best dribbling striker I've used all year, outside of top tier icons and Messi. His close control is magnificent, and his touch is flawless. His balance and agility is also immediately noticeable. If you (like me) use normal dribbling and tika-take, more than raw skills, he's truly a joy to use. His 3* skills also enable heel-heel flicks, step-overs and other such simple but effective moves. Due to his awesome dribbling stats, drag backs and stops are reactive and not clunky at all. The only thing that holds him back IS his 3* skill moves as La Croqueta is just a little bit OP. His composure and reactions never came into question with me at all, didn't even notice how low they were.
Shooting: 8/10
This is a weird one. Obviously he has a 3* weak foot. This is an immediate downside for a LOT of people. He also has low composure, and low positioning.
All but his weak foot have been fine for me. . His positioning has been noticeably better than most other forwards I've used, as has his general shooting under pressure. His high balance helps a ton here I think.
However his weak foot CAN be a real issue. This is balanced somewhat by his immense shot power. Even weak foot shots trouble the keeper, rattle the woodwork and very often fly in, even if they aren't pretty. His goal tally for me is the best in a weekend league I've had, and I wasn't forcing the ball to him at all. There will still be occasions where he hits the moon or even the corner flag, but hey, he's more complete than most forwards for 200k.
His real downside is his aerial threat, he has none. He has a high jumping stat, but I don't think he won a single challenged header. Make of that what you will.
Passing: 10/10
I've rated this based on him as a second striker. as you'd expect when looking at his stats, he really is a great passer of the ball. He set up 11 goals in 25 games as a stay forward/ get in behind striker, quite impressive. Him and Kluivert really made a great partnership. As a CAM I can't imagine this would change, in fact he might even be better there. No flaws here at all.
Physical: 6/10
First up, his stamina is exceptional, I never needed to sub him, aside from to change my game plan in certain situations. His aggression is also REALLY helpful when he's being challenged, when combined with his balance. His strength however is a real drawback. If he's even touched by a defender he's gonna falter. His technical ability gets around this slightly, but still, his strength can really hold back his plays. His jumping, as mentioned, doesn't contribute to anything.
Overall Felix was a real joy. It's been a while since I've used a more agile, technical striker, and it was really refreshing. Outside of his physicals and 3*/ 3*, he's got mid-tier - prime icon stats, and they show in game. If you can fit him in and fancy something new try him.
1) Pace
2) Dribbling
3) Shooting
4) Link up play and passing
5) Raw stats
6) Value for coins
1) Strength. It's quite poor.
2) League.
3) Bad chemistry links for meta squads outside of Figo, Eusabio and Ronaldo.
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