Lucas Hernández's card is rated 84, he is 182cm | 6'0" tall, left-footed France defender (CB)
that plays for
FC Bayern München
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.1
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 2-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game.
Lucas Hernández has 3 special cards
with ratings between 84 and 88.
He was born on 14-02-1996 and he is now 28 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 4 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 6,500 on PlayStation,
9,000 on Xbox,
and 20,500 on PC.
First up: I played this dude for a very long time. I bought him back when he was 70k. Seeing him drop to 7k suprised myself, so this review might be slightly biased to me, thinking he's pretty expensive.
Lucas Hernandez has very good pace for a CB, so I can't complain about that. But I could literally rant about how bad his Defensive Awareness feels ingame, and how terrible he generally is, with bad gameplay for hours, but I'll keep it short. With good gameplay, he does a solid job. He can be a bit rough (pressing L2/LT, but still causing some penalties), but that's quite rare. He blocks shots very well, and his L2 defending overall is actually very impressive. His pace will make your life a lot easier against pacy attackers, and short passes are very accurate. If we only had good gameplay (EA pls fix this game) I would probably give him a 4* review. But then this monstrosity called Weekend League shows up, and completly makes this guy look like garbage. He feels very sluggish, so agility isn't even a thing anymore, and his Defensive Awareness sometimes just makes me want to discard this guy. He'll be in the perfect position to block the shot, but instead breaks his bones to raise leg above his head, or will move aside for absolutely no reason, as soon as the opponent starts loading up his shot.
So summed up, if you want to get him for some friendlies or Division rivals in lower divisions, go ahead. But if you are planning to get him for your Weekend League squad or seriously play him in your mainteam in anything above division 6, the risk for bad gameplay gets to high, so you'll likely suffer some nervous breakdowns just like I did. NO RECOMMENDATION
This is my first review on FUTBIN, but having used this card, (or his UCL card more specifically) for 173 games, I felt it would be fitting to give him the send off that he deserves. I have never used a player with such value for money. With a shadow on him (yes- I know that costs twice as much as him), he is un-outpaceable, he has impeccable defending, winning every battle on the ground and in the air, all while being able to bring the ball into the the midfield easily. He genuinely feels as good as his partner, base Hierro, and they complement each other perfectly. If that isnt enough, he also possesses the ability to knock anybody off the ball with ease. The only quarrell that I have with him is that, while good for 95% of the time, he can occassionaly get caught out of position. That is the main reason I am now switching to Future Stars Kabak.
First of all, i used varane, then switched to hernandez to safe coins and to buy son (review also exists ) and then i switched back to varane after about 60-70 games with Lucas.
and you can now read why dropped him:
Pace: With anchor he does have the extra pace to catch any striker. Moreover he just do not need any time to get on his full speed level. Its pretty easy to chase the striker and steal the ball. I do not recognize any major difference between him and varane when we talk about pace.
Dribbling: He is quite agile for a defender and he does not turn like a truck like chiellini. I guess its because of his height. He does have low composure but i only recognize it when it came to passing in tight positions but i will come back to that later on.
Overall he is one of the fastest and agilest defenders i played so far.
Shooting: Not Existent and not necessary. Even heading after a corner but as you know heading is not a thing in Fifa20
Passing: Very average for a defender but the thing where he drove me crazy are the high amount of missed passes, especially in tight positions. I tried to solve any situation, even risky ones, with short passes and not to play long ones (in Germany we call it Langholz). Its because i am a ball possession player.
But back to Hernandez: He was not able to play a 2m pass when he got under pressure. All the other defenders i played, especially varane, have been a pretty safe passing ability and you dont have to worry.
My guess its because of his low composure.
Defense: There are some problems i noticed and this is why he was a let down for me and why i prefer other defenders more. Pace, good to have but it was so necessary and essetially for him that the whole defending with him drove me nuts many times. Head-2-Head he is good, Ok.But most of the time i chased the striker (he was out of position) instead of intercept or play by Eye.
I think its the stat: defensive awareness. There is the main difference to varane. With varane you intercept, with hernandez you chase/run after. 2 from 3 times you will get the striker but the one time you don't its in the back of the net.
I could fill books about it. There you can see how he pissed me off.
Physical: Nothing to complain. Only 9/10 because of his height which is only noticeable when it comes to an opponent goal kick. Usually he bullies every one and as i said H2H he is pretty decent.
Overall: He was fullfillment for some games but i was happy when i got back to varane. He is in so much starter/current teams and because i played with him, i know his weak points which helped me a lot and which has been the positive thing about him.
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