first i play 4-2-3-1 i wanted to use a fun player good at defending and attacking and pacey i saw bustos then fall in love with him this guy is a beast despite hes H/L But it won't really affect him on stay back while attacking hes catches pacey players I use him with sentinal chem style and this guy is really cheap i did him for free since i got lots of conmebal players in my club
- Decent Passing
- Decent dribbling
- Decent pace
- Decent defending
- Nothing is bad
I know that that is a big statement but honestly its true. Never have i ever used a better attacking centre back. He has the agility to weave through defenders in the box, the pac to knock the ball forward and run past 4 defenders and then the finishing ability to score magnificent goals. And then if he doesn't score he has the 99 stamina to sprint backand take out a couple of defenders. He also has 4* Skills which are very, very useful indeed. Although the top voted chem style is Guardian just trust me and give him a sentinel his dribbling is already insane and the extra jumping and strength does come in handy in rivals especially with all of these op Strikers coming out due to Totssf. But yeah his literally only negative is his 3* Weakfoot which only matters when he goes to Shoot with his Left foor from range but up close he is unstoppable. He is one of those Rb's that you just give the ball too from kick off and just sprint down the side cut in and score in two minutes on rivals honestly the rage quits becuase of him were insane. When i first saw this card i got him right a way back when he ws worth like 140k and cost me about 60k due to the packs but now he is only 80k to complete so he must only realy cheap to do right now. And even though he has a H/L workrate he still gets back in time to cover his position after an attack and if not my cdm would cover him. But yeah great all rounder RB especially for those more attacking style players. definetly get him in your team. The only problem some may find is links, what i did was either use a messi and play him on 7 Chem, (still beast) Or do the Conmebol Libertadores SBC and get Lopez who is also a god especially with Shadow and he doesnt need full chem just 8 will do.
4* Skills
3* Weak Foot
Before him I had Hateboer shapeshifter, but I always thought that he was too expensive for a right back, so I look at this card and I saw that it has amazing stats, so why not try him. I made the sbc for 30k (Great price for this card) and then it was just pure magic. I like to make reviews, but I will go directly to the main points:
Pace 10/10:
Incredibly fast! Is one of those players that will frustrate you, if he miss a tackle, he will go behind you, he will catch you, and he will try another tackle. Just incredible.
Dribling 10/10:
He is a right wing with great defending stats.I have James future stars in my squad and they feel very similar. Bustos is very quick, agile with the ball, can go throw defenders easily.
Shotting 5/10:
It has a very good shooting, but nothing incredible.
Physical 8/10:
I didn´t expect this, he doesn´t have a lot of strenght, but he knows how to use his body if you know what I mean. He won a lot of balls by this way.
Defending 9/10:
Surprisingly a beast. My first thought about him it was "mmm, too short for a RB maybe", but I was so wrong, he won a lot of headers for a reason that I still don´t know, I think he has fake stats in this way because 68 heading and 58 jump are bull***. He intercepts a lot of passes, goes incredible to the floor, and the standing tackles are also very, very good. Nothing more to say.
Pass 8/10:
He made very good throw balls to my attackers, and it´s very weird to see him miss a pass. Enough for a RB.
4* skill moves
Price, 70k is so cheap for this card.
Strenght, but it´s not a problem at all
Es una carta muy buena, rapida y llega bien al corte, es barato para lo que rinde.Supongo que su precio es debido a la quimica y en parte por el fisico pero si se puede meter en tu equipo es muy buena carta. Eso si hay que ponerle que se quede atras al atacar porque si no te deja sola la banda pero ofensivamente aporta mucho
Es muy rapido alcanza a los Adamas, kent y James entre otros
Tiene un regate muy bueno cuentas con las 4 de skills que es algo no necesario pero util
99 de stamina aguanta todo el partido con prorroga incluida
Su tiro no es nada de otro mundo pero en un apuro sirve
Tiene un pase muy bueno y tira buenos centros (92 crossing)
A veces el bajo en defensa se nota y se descoloca mucho La quimica no es tan facil al jugar en una liga no tan top en el fifa
Su fuerza no es buena pero suele pelear bastante
3 de pierna mala no es horrible pero su zurda no es muy buena
If anyone else has the weird idea like I did to play Bustos at LW, go for it! You won’t be disappointed. Originally, I planned to play him at RB, which is of course his natural position, but then I realised that the only other person that I could play LW was flashback Modric, which I was reluctant to do because of the High/High work rates. Since Bustos has High/Low work rates, amazing pace and decent shooting, I thought, “Why not play him there, what’s the worst that could go wrong?” However, it seems that I underestimated his power.
With a sniper chem style, this card becomes a 92.5 LW, or basically 93, and in game, he feels like a 93 rated card. His brilliant pace combined with the fact that he’s 5’6’’ and has 98 agility and 91 balance makes him feel like The Flash, if The Flash was short. His physical stats are very good, and his high aggression and strength means he wins the ball a lot in front of the opposition goal and his high stamina means that he can play to the final whistle, and through extra time if needed.
This card does have 3 main flaws that you’ll need to watch out for if you play him at LW: 69 long shots (not as nice as it sounds) 74 curve, and 3*weak foot I’m someone that likes to cut in, and try to finesse it in to the top corner, which I find Bustos can do, but not as easily as the likes of TOTS Salvio, who has much better curve, long shots and 4*weak foot
In conclusion, I’d give this card an 9/10. He’s performed very well for me so far, but the 3 flaws that I talked about can be a problem sometimes.(Also, please note that the squad I Iinked had 100 chemistry, with everyone started in the correct position, in a 4-5-1. The one you'll see is what it looked like in game)
95 pace
99 stamina
90 aggression
Great dribbling
3* weak foot
74 curve
69 long shots
First of all I wanna say I play him on balanced attack because I know how quickly he can get back on defense. I use a sentinel chem style on him to get him to 87 strength with amazing defensive stats. Do not use a shadow I know a lot of you try hards want that 99 pace but I'm telling you this 95 pace is a lie. It feels more like 105 pace. I cannot believe how good this guy is and cannot tell you how many times he has saved me on a counter attack. Bustos usually shines when facing a give and go because your opponent will underestimate the speed on your right back. This man has outpaced everyone in the game. 84 Kent, TOTY Mane, Headliners Sterling, Shapeshifter mertens, CR7. He is so quick and his tackling is so good, it makes it so difficult to get around him. Now I wanna talk about his dribbling and especially his agility. I play with Maradona from Icon swaps 3 and Bustos feels a lot like him on the ball. So quick, so so so so so agile, and that is why i don't think a guardian chem style is needed because his dribbling is already outstanding for a right back so I wanted to upgrade that strength. Him and 88 lisandro Lopez (CB) together make such a lethal RB/CB combo. Don't pay attention to his height he just goes in and swoops the ball off anyone.
Agility- says 88 agility on in game stat which is a lie. It feels like 99
Speed- also a lie, feels more like 105 pace than 95 pace.
Defending- He literally chases down players, swoops in and takes the ball beneath them and they won't even know what happened.
Dribbling- so dangerous when he steals the ball when your opponent thinks he's about to speed past him. Run with him into the center of the pitch and he somehow shines there, dribbling past everyone. / Comparable to Maradona/Messistyle of dribbling. I swear its sum we Argentines got in our blood. Dribbling.
Doesn't require anchor or shadow chem style- please don't use any of the two he really doesn't need them i promise. Upgrade his strength and you'll thank me later.
His pace his like when Spongebob said "wanna see me run to that rock and back? wanna see me do it again?"
I use Bustos as a rb in the 4-1-2-1-2(2) with attacking full backs, you might think it's not that smart because of his workrates but if u know how to defend without the help of the al it's not a problem. i love the card because he has great dribbling, passing and even shooting, his finishing is better than adama sif!
Attacking position
Shot power
Standing Tackle
Long shots
Defensive awarness
He is untredeable
What an RB! I was looking for a good, cheap RB for long time, after I found Coleman Flashback was not simply good enough anymore. When I discovered this guy, I immediately decided to change my whole squad, starting to use a full SAF/Argentinian squad. No regrets! For many years I used some of the best players (Dani Alves TOTY for example) but they never reached the level this guy reaches! If you need an Argentinian/SAF RB (or a random one because he will be surrounded by icons), this guy is a must-get. Also, as many people get lots of CONMEBOL cards in their pack, you will possibly get him for free. And in case you do not like him (which is impossible) you will have an 88 rated SBC fodder for (almost) free! IG he is either an RB (4231 / 41212 (2) / 4222) or an RM (3421 / 352), however, I wrote he is an RM in a 352 as it is the formation I am using atm.
NOTE: I sometimes used
him as an LW/RW where he is quite decent, if you are planning on using him as attacker, I'd recommend boosting his shooting instead of his defending.
- Pace
- High attacking workrates (if you like attacking wingbacks)
- He lacks some strenght IMO