Alexandre Lacazette's FUT BIRTHDAY card is rated 90, he is 175cm | 5'9" tall, right-footed France striker (ST)
that plays for
Premier League
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.9
out of 5 .
He has 5-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Alexandre Lacazette has 1 special cards
with ratings between 86 and 90.
He was born on 28-05-1991 and he is now 33 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 6 goals and 2 assists in 18 matches in domestic competition. He also received 2 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 102,000 on PlayStation,
102,000 on Xbox,
and 149,000 on PC.
Day 457 of Lockdown: I can’t deny that I was quite happy with the options available in the first FUT Birthday Squad. I will be the first to complain when I am not happy with the game, but at the same time, I don’t mind saying when they get it right. Honestly, I feel like the content surrounding the second FUT Birthday Squad was quality as well. One thing that did strike me as interesting was the disproportionate amount of French players in the Birthday Promo all together. You can just about build an entire team out of French Birthday options alone. In the end, I was drawn to one of these many options, in a FUT favorite from the past, none other than the man himself… “Lacasweat”. Not only did he fit into my squad perfectly, but the statistics on this card looked insane. It is not very often that a card looks perfect ‘out of the package,’ but honestly, there is not a single glaring deficiency with this card, even without a chemistry style. In the end, I went with the HUNTER chemistry style in hopes that the added pace would turn Lacazette into his pacey FUT nickname, while the shooting boosts were also key. Despite the image, I deployed Lacazette as the Right ST in a 4-4-2 this weekend and he proved to be the sharpshooter all weekend in the following squad:
If you follow me on Twitter @IVIaeday (shameless self-advertising) you would have probably guessed this review was coming as I kept a log of my Weekend League games, goal scorers, and the MOTM. In 20 matches Lacazette chalked up 30 goals, 8 assists, and 7 MOTM performances. The key here is in the shooting and I gave Lacazette a clear 10 out of 10 because the lad simply does not miss. Okay, he does, but it is incredibly rare and was a key part of the early success I had this weekend. 92 POSITIONING, 92 FINISHING, and 91 SHOT POWER are all grossly understated for this card. The positions Lacazette takes up on the pitch (especially in the box) and the runs he makes are incredible; he constantly pops up in the right spot. I already touched on the finishing … but the shot power is just as impressive.
Linkability Rating: 4/5
Same as Griezmann from last week in this category, there are just so many quality options out there to get Lacazette into your squad. I just about went with a 4.5 out of 5 given that the second FUT Birthday Squad included four more French options with Pogba offering a strong link … and then the SBC for Sarr … and then the Objective for Bakayoko … it doesn’t end.
End Game Strength
End Game Strength Rating: 4/5
A small dip in the end game strength for Lacazette and his price tag throughout this weekend really speaks to this. Lacazette does not have a ton of weaknesses and I could see why FUT Managers would enjoy him and maybe even argue my critique, but there are some issues with this card that won’t allow Lacazette to survive the onslaught of cards to come; pace and dribbling. You would think 98 ACCELERATION & 98 SPRINT SPEED would be more than enough… like the shooting had hidden statistics of improvement, the pace statistics seem to have hidden shortages. Similarly, the dribbling on this card was not nearly as quick and responsive as other players I have used lately (Griezmann to name one) and I could not feel the 88 AGILITY & 88 BALANCE at all. As the weekend progressed it become and more and more difficult to create the space needed to use the shooting strength of this card, and eventually I parted ways with him after the 20th match (which ended up saving me a ton of coins as his price plummeted). Granted, an ENGINE or SNIPER card would have helped with some of these issues, but at the same time would take away from the best feature Lacazette displayed all weekend.
Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad
Value/Coins Rating: 4/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 4.5/5
Continuing with my previous comments, Lacazette is just missing a bit of that magic to warrant a million coin price tag. You will notice that I paid 1.5 million to get started with my review on Friday! Thankfully, I offloaded for 1.3 million Saturday as his price has continued to fall. The comparison I would make to Lacazette is FFS Greenwood, who currently sits at around 800k and has many of the same attributes and statistics. In fact is kind of crazy how similar they are, with Greenwood tipping the statistics, while Lacazette boasts the 4 STAR SKILLS. Looking back on the 9.5 rating I gave Greenwood I think I was caught up in the hype myself and a 9.2 would have been more appropriate for him as well.
This category has been well and truly covered save one detail, the passing. With 85 VISION and 88 SHORT PASSING, it is easy to not expect a ton from Lacazette. However, I was incredibly surprised with the quality he produced; I even put one of the standout assist in my video with his through ball to Griezmann. Basically, when Lacazette moves with the ball he leaves a lot to be desired, but when he is striking the ball (either passing or shooting) he oozes class.
Closing Words
15 minutes. That is how long I have sat here staring at my screen deciding how I should wrap this up. To recommend, or not to recommend, that is the question. Thinking back to my Greenwood review, I think the main reason my rating was so inflated came down to his finishing. I had not experienced a card all year that was so clinical … and since then only SS Richarlison and FUTBDAY Griezmann have matched his quality. Now, Lacazette falls into this category and it does show how good this card is overall. With that in mind, if you are needing a card to finish off the quality chances you are making, this is the card for you. If creating opportunities is your weakness, you would be better suited with a different option. Hoping you are safe, healthy and finding some entertainment in these difficult times. Cheers for reading.
So. This bloke is the nuts. I'm not an amazing player but get drawn in way too deep with this stupid game. I was fortunate enough to pack him in the FUT Birthday Party SBC thing.
I play him as ST in 4-5-1
Chem Style - Engine
Instructions - Drift Wide, Get in Behind and Stay Forward
The product of Son & Ben Yedde
He's boss
He's 5'9 and fits the meta of being agile, well balanced and mobile to counter stronger built players.He rides challenges like a young gazelle being hunted by a pride of Lions (Gazellette?). He's able to get well in front of his man to receive the ball and very often pulls off those last minute passes round the corner which kind of look like tackles.
His touch is an absolute joy, the ball is on a string when using L1/LT. I have SS Richarlison with Engine who basically punts it off every angle of his shin in comparison to big boy Alex. His attacking movement is so smart. With Drift Wide, he starts his run centrally then peels off in between the fullback & centreback. He's literally always there for pull backs and rebounds due to his decent positioning.
Pace - you don't need to put Hunter on him. Please don't. I massively recommend Engine so he has a better chance against your Van Dijks. Varanes, Ferdinands etc. His acceleration is deceptively good so don't worry about it. His timing of runs is that good it doesn't matter. Make sure you have a decent CAM who can thread him passes.
Now his finishing...mate his finishing.....
With the upgraded 5* weakfoot he's just an absolute titan. Fizz it into him anywhere in the 18yd box and he'll set himself up perfectly to thunder it in the near post. R1/RT dragbacks are obviously sweaty but unsurprisingly he does this well too. Scroll the ball to the side a little to make an angle and always, always go near post - goal,
Finishing with either foot obviously ridiculous. Dribbling and riding challenges. Quick off the mark with Engine.
Hahaha invalid.
Although do appreciate he is somewhat expensive and we'd all love 99 Strength
Ok, so the 5 star weak foot was a massive draw for me this year, the lack of having to make sure you were on your good side before shooting is super META. I tried Greenwood, Son, Rashford Birthday and all felt slightly underwhelming and then this guy happened.
Wow, he finishes literally everything, anything within 20 yards and its on target. I love him, literally wouldnt swap him for anyone else in this range even TOTSSF Aguero.
His agility and balance are perfectly fine so i boosted his shooting and pace with a Hunter and dont regret a moment of it.
Will probably keep him until i can afford TOTY or TOTSSF De Bruyne which will probably be never.
5* WF is god like
Agility and Balance are good
High attack Workrate
Cant think of anything significant, maybe price, hes around the 680-770 mark usually depending on time of week
My boy Laca, what a goated card. Always have wanted him since the FUT Birthday promo came out as I'm an arsenal fan, and right now this guys performing well in real life (Goals against Wolves, Tottenham, Liverpool, big game player). And he does the same in FIFA. This card is still meta even after all the TOTS and SH cards, so that tells you something.
For most of my early games he played ST in 4-2-3-1 formation, but now I play him either alongside FUTB Mbappe in 4-1-2-1-2 narrow formation (check my review out of him too :D) or as LAM in a 4-2-3-1 formation, and he excels at both those positions. For the current meta, you need a Hunter on him but if you don't mind, a Hawk or Engine suits him well too. Here's what I thought of him.
Overall, a very very good card, if you're an Arsenal fan or are looking for a relatively cheap PL ST and don't have the fund for Aguero, Auba, this goat is the one for you.
Pace - Can't lie sometimes he does not feel like the 98 pace it says when he has a Hunter on him. Regardless, outpaces most right-backs and centre-backs with relative ease. Meta height too.
Shooting - Wow wow wow what can I say. My boy Laca loves those finesses and outside foot shots. Even when he doesn't have the finesse trait this guy can curl one in top bins. He can finish from almost any angle with the 5*WF. That's the only reason why he's still meta. 4*WF and his price is only 50k. Top class finishing from the goat.
Dribbling - Surprisingly good base stats. Good agility and balance combination, and 90 for all the rest. Quite satisfying to look at actually. His dribbling is underrated. 4*SM means he can buss a roulette or a cheeky flip flap if he wants. Always nice to have. Sometimes he does a Lacazette and misses an easy chance. But that's FIFA, not him.
Passing - Decent at best. If you're playing him at central CAM please use engine. He needs a boost. 88 Short Passing however means he can do those 1-2s with Mbappe which split the defence. You do love to see that. Don't switch up the play as 9 times out of 10 this guy will miss the target.
Physicality - Stamina is not sufficient for a whole game unfortunately. Probably the only downside. It doesn't help that he also has H/H workrates. Put him on Stay Forward and he can last a whole game. I don't as if I put my LAM at stay forward it ruins the shape of my team. Strength and aggro are also semi-decent, not the best. Don't expect him to body Varanes and Miltaos.
Defending - He's a ST, don't defend. However if the other team is on a counter you can guarantee this guys zooming to get the ball. If you are trying to clutch gold 3, this guys high defensive workrate is a blessing in disguise. Many times he has chased down the attacker from my corner to stop a counter-attack. Sure, it takes a lot of stamina, but if you have a sub ready (which you should probably do as its July) then it should be a good thing.
Pace doesn't feel like 98, but still fast, don't let that put you off.
Most passing stats (with Hunter, with Engine I would expect better of him)
Stamina and his workrates are a bad combo to his longevity in-game
Price (???, this is for those mandem who have just started). Otherwise he's really accessible.
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