Marcus Rashford's TOTS card is rated 94, he is 186cm | 6'1" tall, right-footed England midfielder (LM)
that plays for
Manchester United
Premier League
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.1
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 5-star skill moves,
giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game.
He does have a real face in-game.
Marcus Rashford has 5 special cards
with ratings between 83 and 94.
He was born on 31-10-1997 and he is now 26 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 1 goals and 0 assists in 4 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 276,000 on PlayStation,
263,000 on Xbox,
and 379,000 on PC.
*Please note the review is only based on 5 matches, however I have a very good idea of how this card plays already*
I play Rashford in a 4-2-2-2 at Right Striker, I have only played 5 rivals games with him.
PACE - 10/10
What would you expect with a 98 pace card? Rashford's explosive pace helps you get away from top tier defenders after a skill, or even just a normal run, he won't stop running because of his 99 Stamina too.
The shooting on this card shocked me a little in my second match with him, he missed 2 1v1 chances on his right foot in the opening 20 mins, he then continued to score a hattrick and all was forgiven, he is very solid in front of goal and has scored with his weak foot a few times too, so don't be shy to give it a shot on his left if there's no space on the right. I am yet to try a long shot with him as that's not really part of my play style.
PASSING - 9/10
He has rarely misplaced a short pass to other forwards or a lay off to other strikers so there are really no complaints about his passing, his free kicks also stand out as you would expect, especially a power free kick. I have rarely used crosses or long balls with him which is why I have rated it as a 9 as I haven't tried every aspect of his passing game.
This card is mad on the ball, a large factor of this is his 5* Skills, I was worried when buying this card that he would feel clunky like other versions of Rashford I have tried before in this FIFA but I was pleasantly surprised by the agile of the card!
PHYSICAL - 10/10
The stand out feature of the physical side of this card would be his Stamina, this guy could go a full 120 mins in weekend league no problem! The only time you'd have to sub him off is if he gets injured! He also feels very strong on the ball, his pace and balance add to this.
For 550k that I payed for this card, I feel he was very worth the coins! I hope to get him in red picks!
At first, I had lots of doubts getting him because of his 3* weak foot. Had gold Neymar before him, and since I'm a Man Utd fan, I finally convinced myself to upgrade to him, and boy! What an upgrade he is. Used a hawk chem style to boost his acceleration to run past end game FBs. Also with the PHY boost, TOTSSF Rashford can win physical battles with most FBs, he doesnt get bullied of the ball like Neymar. In fact, he can win PHY battles with most FBs, making it easy to cut inside from the wing. His finishing is excellent and can score straightforward goals with his weak foot. He is all you want in a LW, and for just 550k, i think he is a steal.
If you're gonna play him at LW, dont let his 3* WF deter you from getting him, just avoid doing finesse shots with his WF and u should be fine, at LW he is gonna use his right foot most of the time anyway. He is definitely a game changer that will get you more wins.
P.S. link him with winter refresh Bruno Fernandes and you'll get the 2 best players in their respective price range ;)
99 Stamina
5* skill move
Pace and dribbling
his PHY stats
I would say his 3* weak foot is the only con to a near perfect player
(Used at striker in a 433(4), get in behund, stay central, conservative interceptions) 179 matches played, 277 goals scored and 263 assists (SB Ultimate and Division Rivals)
Now, the 3* weak foot may put a lot of you off, and the badge may put off a lot of scousers too, but fear not my fellow Futbinians, Marcus bloody Rashford ,the charitable saint, is a god on the pitch.
I use him with a marksman on 10 chem, and honestly i don't see the need for a balance boost, you can hardly feel it at all. Personally, i think on this game, balance is important, but small and weaker players like neymar and del p (have them both first owner, not to flex) are buffed. You see Ronaldo, with 71 balance, you think, "right this chap needs an engine on him asap!" Nah mate, he doesn't. Man needs a hawk still. My man Marcus has more balance than that donny who tightroped between the twin towers. You rarely see him pushed off the ball unless you're playing against that hippopotamus of a man Virgil Van Dijk, and that geezer got Eiffel towered by Sarr and Deeney.
You may also see the 87 composure and think "this guy would lose his cool buying a lamp shade from Wilkos"
You'd be absolutely flip-flopping wrong my mate.
Sure he may miss a few easy chances, but that's because of scripting init.
It's not the highest, but ease up a bit cmon.
99 attacking positioning
99 finishing
99 shot power
99 long shots
97 volleys
99 agility
95 reactions
98 ball control
99 dribbling
93 jumping
99 stamina (his gf is very lucky if he has one)
91 strength
98 curve
He can weave through a defence better than my nan's wool weaves through the gaps in her knitted hats mate.
He makes runs better than Babatunde when his wotah is threatened by the Cheetah.
He bangs in free kicks like there's no tomorrow (judging from the way 2020 is going there might not be a tomorrow)
Near post finesse is OP with this fella.
Man's High High like Snoop in the booth and he's always ready to receive the ball.
Shot Power
Long Shots
Ball Control
Dribbling (what does that stat even mean?)
Sprint Speed
Composure (meh)
Weak foot (meh)
Interceptions (i said this cos i like my striker nabbing the ball when i'm up against a cheeky c*nt who passes it round the back more than Riley Reid in a room full of men
I got this card in my champs rewards and he fit straight into my team. He was the first crazy player I have ever gotten. I put him in and went straight into div 4 rivals where he tore it up. Insane pace, crazy dribbling and a sharp shot. Not the strongest but if he gets played in behind its almost always a goal.
I got rashford in the guaranteed PL TOTSSF pack and he changed everything for me. He instantly made an impact and carried my team through many wins in FUT champs. Btw almost all these games came from FUT champs. He feels like CR7 with the ball. He's quick, skillful, good agility for a 6'1 player, and a monster at shooting. However, his weak foot lets me down sometimes. I'd recommend him in a position where he is going to use his right foot most of the time. I use him at right ST in my squad.
I made an account to submit an honest review of Marcus Rashford 94 TOTS.
As you can see in the photo, Marcus was an absolute passenger at left wing with marksman chemistry. He must have a 5 star uber rating because he's a 5 STAR PASSENGER. For the money I paid (700k) I thought I'd get a servicable and decent winger and I'll be honest, he was a dissapointment. A man of that size, speed was absolutely insolvent during games. I've used several decent wingers and Rashford whilst he does score worldies, its usually when I was up 2-3 goals after the 80th minute when the oppositions 82 overall fullback was gassed. I personally think Sadio Mane's gold card or Leandro T (Belgian LM Brighton) are better...
Good nation/league links
Nice haircut
Scores banger finesse shots but like a full moon, it only happens once a fortnight
Might be a decent super sub
Out of position ALOT
isn't a threat on goal all game
spends alot of time running around like a headless chook
gets bullied off the ball by 80 overall fullbacks from Estonia
doesn't pull his skill moves as quickly as some other 5 star skillers
Got him in my EPL Guaranteed TOTSSF pack. Saw the english flag and was just happy it wasn't Dean Henderson. Then I got excited. Marcus on paper looks like an insane player! Well, he's not. He plays as a LM in 4-4-2 and should do the easy work for me which is to transfer the ball up the field and to pass it to the midfielders or strikers. But he can't even do that. He feels so stiff and the 3* week foot seems to regard his right foot aswell. He literally couldn't pass to save his life. His finess shots are really good at times but overall performance I've had better experiences with his base card.
He is just not good. He played in left cam and had ronaldo and aguero in st. He might play differently in striker but he just wasnt good enough. His finishing wasnt the best and if you want a cheaper and better player go and get 91 sane. He is alot better and can be crafted with the league sbc grind. no point wasting your money on this card. Either save up for son or mane or get 91 sane. He is so overrated and he doesnt even feel that good on the ball. There are better options out there!!
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