Leroy Sané's card is rated 96, he is 183cm | 6'0" tall, left-footed Germany midfielder (LM)
that plays for
FC Bayern München
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 5.0
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game.
Leroy Sané has 5 special cards
with ratings between 86 and 96.
He was born on 11-01-1996 and he is now 29 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 6 goals and 1 assists in 17 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Leroy Sané Objectives
Skilled Setup
Assist in 2 separate Squad Battles matches on min. Professional difficulty (or Rivals) using players with min. 4* Skill Moves
Two Titles
Assist and Score in 2 separate Rivals matches using Premier League players
Making Moves
Score 10 goals in Rivals using Bundesliga players
German Goals
Score in 6 separate Rivals wins using German players
so im not sure where to start the objective came out yesterday i completed it in about 2 hours i have used sane for about 30 games including 10 fut champs games now i know it is late in the year but this card is insane. I run 4-5-1 for chem and switch to 4-2-3-1 narrow in game. I play Fb saint maximin in st, SH ribery in cam , award winner thiago in ram and sane in lam his place blows everyone out the water not only is he rapid he is very strong compared to his stats he can defenitely fight off defenders his shooting is immaculate especially with that weak foot boost compared to his moments it just feels like he doesn't miss however due to his height his skills can sometimes be very clunky especially any rotating skills such as roulette but simple drag backs ball rolls heel to heels and fake shots are still all viable.His 4* skills makes him unpredictable in the box. His passing is insane the only time i have had problems is when fifa wants to screw me over. His dribbling feels very silky not as good as ribery and maximin but still very good. his high att Wr puts hi some of the best positions you can think of .
Certain skills are quite clunky
Defending but that doesn't really matter as i play him on stay forward
Comparing him to Diaby, he is as fast, has equivalently deadly finishing, perfect passing, much better physicals and almost as good dribbling.
I like that he is tall, he got a couple headers for me when I crossed to the back post (which Diaby 95 has done only twice in 430 games)
I liked that Sane is able to use his physicals to squeeze past my opponents RB to finish the low cross (which I was always disappointed in Diaby's inability to)
Honestly none (I guess OnLy 4/4, but that is totally fine)
hes probably the best player ive used all year. As a winger i felt asif he is abit wasted because his shooting is inSane, literally every shot on his left went in. I attempted to try using his right however he opts to shoot with his left foot regardless. On the ball his dribbling is pretty good however dont expect him to feel like that potm thiago as sane doesn't feel as agile (probably due to his height).
The objectives were alright, I can definitely recomend doing however everyone div 5 and above seems to have that ribery SH whilst also using drop back still which makes the challenges harder especially the german challenge. Despite this i wasn't disapppointed,his pace felt fast as expected however due to defenders being quick doesn't make the biggest difference (anything above 95 feels the same). Another thing is that i was actually able to shield the ball quite well which could probably be due to the 86 strength. His passing was decent he didnt make any obvious errors.Overall I defo recomend doing the objective if you still have it in you and I'm very excited to see him play for bayern next season.
Oh Leroy, where do I even start? After using his 91 player moments for a majority of Fifa, I knew I had to do this objective. I was a little disappointed that I had to put his 91 in an sbc, but I don’t care anymore after using his 96. I already thought his 91 was one of the best wingers in the game, but this guy is a different breed. Yes yes, I know, it’s almost September, but that won’t stop me from having some “fun” in champs with one of my favorite players. The link above (or right here https://www.futbin.com/20/squad/17739856) is the link to see the squad I used. I played a 4-2-3-1 in-game with Sane up top, Werner at LAM, and Dembele at CAM, and Mahrez at RAM. I used the marksman chemistry style on him. Let’s get into the review.
Pace - If you’re assuming this guy’s fast, you’re wrong. HE’S CRAZY FAST. The only player I could compare his pace to is Adama or Mbappe, which is crazy. Whenever I see Sane making a run, I just press Y (or triangle) and let him beat the defender. His pace can be really useful especially for cutting inside the box to make a pass, usually resulting in an assist.
Shooting - For me, this was one of the more important upgrades on this card. His shooting stats got a big upgrade, and most importantly, his weak foot got an upgrade. One of my biggest problems with his 91 was his weak foot, so I loved to see this. Sane’s shots are nothing short of amazing. In the box, he is very clinical. His shots are so accurate and so powerful that his shooting is one of the best I’ve seen. The weak foot upgrade is incredibly noticeable and makes a much better player. Sane scored 11 goals in 14 games for me.
Passing - Passing is something that is essential for a winger to have good stats in. However, I played Sane at striker, so it wasn’t that important for me. In 15 games Sane got 11 assists, which for a striker is exceptional. No complaints here.
Dribbling - One of Sane’s best attributes, dribbling, is nothing short of amazing. The stats speak for themselves, I mean, he looks crazy on paper. They do, indeed, show in game. His dribbling is super responsive and it’s really fun to do left stick dribbling with him. He’s very capable of beating defenders which is incredibly beneficial.
Defending - To be honest, defending doesn’t matter for a striker. However, if you play him on the wing, his work rates (high/medium) do really help if you’re playing him on balanced.
Physical - Another Noticeable upgrade from his 91 is his physical. He has 95 stamina, and with the marksman chemistry style, his strength goes up to 91. This allows him to stay on the ball even if a defender is trying to tackle him. There’s not really much to say about his jumping since it doesn’t really matter in fifa 20.
Overall, I think this card is the best winger in the game. However, I do think he’s better at striker. His combination of pace, shooting, dribbling, and passing make him so fun to use and incredibly good. No complaints about this beast at all, he’s insane (no pun intended)!
Look at that. Just look. Brilliant, Absolutely Brilliant. 99 PAC, 95 SHO, 95 PAS, 98 DRI, Ignore the rest please. I use him as a LF on 7 chem (i know i know but it makes virtually no difference to this card) with some pretty good partners, like sancho and arp. Whenever im losing or wantto go for the kill, i sub on TOTS Orsic and let him and sane ruin other people's games for me. Sane unleashed is a beast from hell who will rip defences, stun goalkeepers, and break controllers. I used him on @stay forward@ and waited for that one opponent who plays it short and sent Alaba to deck him at the corner flag, and pass it through to Sane. 3 seconds later the TOTS Szczesny stands chipped, his defence atleast 50 metres behind me and sane celebrating his 23rd goal in 15 games. His passing, dribbling and shooting are great fro the wing, however since perisic fitted the role just fine, I went with him as ST. His body type makes him the swiftest player in the game, and with a marksman, you're guranteed goals no matter what. Personally, i prefer him over tots vardy, who is class but doesnt feel right with the 3*5*. This man is an excellent link to all bundesliga and german plaeyrs, and not to mention, he's the next LewanGOALski... ehehhe, you know, LewanGOALski
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