Before Guanca I played with 86 birthday Correa and I am proud to say that Guanca is a huge upgrade. I play him as a RAM in a 4231 so he can cut in and score a finesse shot. For Guanca I decided to use a maestro chem style just for the passing and long shots and he is phenomenal. With drift wide instructions put on him, he speeds past every defender. The 93 pace is enough and does not need an upgrade because it feels a lot like 96-97 pace. His finishing is lethal and his strength+ dribbling inside the box helps maintain possession in the tightest of areas. He is more agile than I thought and his balance is good. His dribbling is very good, feels smooth enough. Although he is 3*3*, he does have the outside foot shot but unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done with his skill moves. His passing and long shorts are exquisite if you apply a maestro chem style as he plays such great balls into my other CAM's and to my strikers. His ability to shoot outside the box is remarkable, especially with a finesse shot.
Antes de usar Guanca , use Joaquín Corre (86) y estoy orgulloso de decir que este jugador era mejor que el anterior. Lo uso como el MCO de lado derecha para cortar al centro y meter un gol de los "finesse". De formacion, use un 4231. Para Guanca decidí utilizar el maestro estilo de quimica para mejorar los tiros largos y sus pases. Guanca es muy rapido y tiene buen regate. Su ritmo no necesita mejorarse. Puede dejar todos los defensores atras con us rapidez, regate, y su buen fisico. Su regate se siente muy suave y muy concentrao. Guanca tiene buenos disparos y tiros largos. Es muy agil y tiene buen equilibrio. Tiene 3*3* y se que es algo que le atrasa un poquito pero si lo lugas como medio derecho va a tener muchos occasiones de disparar con su izquierda.
Perdon por mi gramatica es muy trade.
Dribbling/ Regate
defense-was good enough for a CAM, I put him on come back on defense and he plays pretty well in the back too.
long shots
Argentina links
Saudi links
When I unlocked this player I low-key though it was a great player, however when I saw the comments saying he isn't good and you don't have to complete I understand why.
his 3* 3* is just not good and he is just not linkable. But when I played some games with him he felt really smooth on the ball and his passing and shooting are very good.
Don't expect this man to make a whole differents in your team but for this price it is a really nice player. His defending isn't that great but when you boost it whit for example a powerhouse he does a really good job at helping with the defending.
Short Passing
3* 3*
FK. Accuracy
This Guanca is actually surprisingly decent. Play him out wide with a powerhouse and he's class. I see a lot of hate comments about him, and I can understand why, but to be fair, he's not bad. Fits in my team with my untradeable TOTSSF Aguero, and fits in with players like future stars martinez who links with the goat himself future stars malen. But for 50k, i think this guy is worth it, however only if he fits in your team. Also he's scored 17 and assisted 6 in 7 rivals games for me :)
Short passing
3* 3*
Defending, standing and sliding tackle
Long passing
Cuando decidi hacer esta carta no pense que seria tan buena pero me encontre con un MC muy completo y muy agil. Es un jugador super rapido y con una definicion incrible y en 16 partidos ha marcado 10 goles jugando como mc izquierdo en la 4 1 2 1 2 (2) muy muy bueno
Es muy rapido no necesita skills para pasar rivales
Su disparo es muy bueno
Tiene un pase bastante mejor de el que dice tener su carta
Aguanta todo el partido
3 de skills y pierna mala
Ok so i was kinda hesitent to do this sbc first cause i had watched a youtube video on him and he seemed like he didnt do a lot off the ball and i found that very similar when i started using him. I thought it would be a good idea to give him a powerhouse as he would make a perfect match with my flashback banega at cdm, yet he just didnt seem to do much running off the ball despite his H/M workrates. You then start to look deeper into his information and see he only has a 3* 3* Setup. Also quite dissapointing. I then oddly noticed that his preffered positions are CAM/ST. Which is extremely annoying because many times i found that when i had a counter attack i found he wouldnt make a run and just floated at Cdm and when we were defending he just wouldnt track back and when he did i found that he would attempt to tackle and win it about 1/5 times which just isnt good enough whereas my flashback Banega wins just about everything (God Player) He does feel fast, smooth and strong on the ball which really suites my style of play but you really have to pass it to him in order to get any engagement from him at all. He did manage to score two goals though suprisingly but it just wasnt enough to make me like him as i feel if he had join the counter attack more he could have contribute much more than he did. But yeah anyway if you do plan to play him anywhere but Striker or L/C/RAM I would not bother doing the Sbc and i would save my fodders for the Guaranteed Sbc where you at least have a chance at getting a half decent player. Overall dissapointed and i will probably just use him as a fodder to help improve my squad now. Once again only purchase him if you are ok with his 3/3 and that fact he can only play up top and are not expecting too much from him. (Also just becuase i may rate his stats high doesnt mean he is good its just because when you pass it too him you get something from him)
3* Skills
3* Weakfoot
Dissapears sometimes
Defence is dissapointing even with Powerhouse