Marc-André ter Stegen's TOTS card is rated 95, he is 187cm | 6'2" tall, right-footed Germany (GK)
that plays for
FC Barcelona
LaLiga Santander
with Med/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 3.7
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 1-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Marc-André ter Stegen has 5 special cards
with ratings between 90 and 95.
He was born on 30-04-1992 and he is now 32 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 6 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 110,000 on PlayStation,
99,500 on Xbox,
and 138,000 on PC.
Since having a good GK is crucial I'll Write a short review for u guys wondering if u should upgrade your GK to this guy or not.
Just like any other version of his card he can make some great saves.
But the thing that separates this card from any other keeper in this game is his one-one reactions he saves goals and shots going top bins.
His reactions are good and when your opponent get into your box there is a good chance that he saves.
His movement when your opponent sends a through ball behind your defense is risky but can save you most of the times so be careful not to panic when he rushes out of his goal in order to clear the ball.
Also, his kicking is on point. If you time it u can even assist from the goal.
Another thing i notice about this card is that the can catch most of the shots and crosses and wont make that stupid save animation that makes a rebound goal possible, So yeah he can grab them and wont give your opponent a second chance.
All and All i think he is the best keeper in the game.
I bought TOTSSF Ter Stegen because I wanted to have a solid goalkeeper for weekend league that would still perform on 7-8 chemistry. I chose TOTSSF Ter Stegen because he was the only goal keeper I could find that still had 99 for all 5 main stats (all except speed) with only 7 chemistry. After playing 2 weekend leagues with him, I must say that he has more than lived up to the expectation! He almost always makes saves that are expected of him and pulls out crazy, game saving, saves about 50% of the time. In a game where Goalkeepers are very hit or miss, Ter Stegen is by far the best option I have used this year.
Saves with Feet Trait
Makes 95-99% of "easy" saves
Makes 50% amazing saves
Good Links, especially only needed 7 chemistry (Varane, Militao, Diego Carlos)
Comes out for crosses trait sometimes leaves him out of position
So you're thinking of getting TOTSSF Ter Stegen. His normal card "was good" so his TOTS version must be way better! Wrong. All wrong. This goalkeeper is one of the worst goalkeepers I've ever played with in FIFA 20. I mean I don't know how more broken this game could be. Whether it's a MOTM Vardy or a Regular Volland, he's not saving none of it. He does save... like every other keeper in this game saves. The only keeper that's actually been good for me is De Gea and Alisson. And I'm talking their normal cards. For starters, Ter Stegen has always been bad. 6 foot 2 is not saving Zidane's hairline let alone a goal from hitting the back of the net. He is actually slow. Literally slow. 48 pace and he'll run up and swing at nothing. He runs into your defenders and then is too slow to actually get up to the ball that's creeping behind him. This card should actually be rated like 70 because of how bad this is. I don't think I've had a single clean sheet with him. But this is endgame and he's the only keeper I have in my club at the moment. If you got him, put him into an sbc if he's untradeable. If you bought him, sell him and buy Oblak. Literally 100% better than this waste of pixels on my screen.
He hardly makes saves, even when he does, they rebound right to your opponent. Almost always concedes shots from outside the box. This card does not represent how good his 90 rated gold is, I would recommend his base card over this one everyday of the week.
Good links
Spills shots
Never catches the ball (on crosses or otherwise)
Has the saves with feet trait, but ONLY saves with feet
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