Marc-André ter Stegen's card is rated 90, he is 187cm | 6'2" tall, right-footed Germany (GK)
that plays for
FC Barcelona
LaLiga Santander
with Med/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 1-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Marc-André ter Stegen has 5 special cards
with ratings between 90 and 95.
He was born on 30-04-1992 and he is now 32 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 4 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 26,750 on PlayStation,
29,750 on Xbox,
and 43,000 on PC.
I picked up Ter Stegen for 30K at the start of EA access, and early game he was getting butchered game in game out because of rebound goals, so I wasn't too happy. I stuck with him, and once the update came out fixing the goalkeeping issue, he became a god! His handling improved dramatically and he would catch everything or punch it far out of the box. Typically you expect your goalkeeper to be prone to make a stupid mistake about once a game or so, but with Ter-Stegen it never happens. Honestly, I've never felt more confident with a keeper in net in any FIFA. My favorite aspect is his distribution from throws and passes out the back. His 4-star weak foot is probably the biggest bonus for me since I always back around the back with my keepers. The only issue I have with him is when he comes out of the box to get a stray ball, he's so slow that a 90+ pace player can sprint half the field to beat him to the ball when the ball is just outside the box. Despite his slow speed, he's amazing at shutting down 1v1 situations. He positions himself well and spreads his body to make saves with his feet or hands. In my experience, he's 13/17 when it comes to shutting down the 1v1. In general, he's relatively unbeatable in net, if you have a solid set of centrebacks in front of him, then don't expect to concede a goal every game. I'd recommend a La Liga backline of Alba, Lenglet, Militao, and Carvajal. I ran this in FUT Champs and managed 12 clean sheets in the 30 games.
I bought this card recently as he looked like a monster, it only took me a couple of games to realise how average this card really performs. Don't get me wrong he is not the worst keeper in the game, he's not too bad actually it's just there is better keepers out there for cheaper. His diving and reflexes are quite good and he saves a few good shots and looks amazing but the more you play with him the more you realise all the mistakes he makes. his handling although not bad on the card is actually terrible in game, you find him parrying almost every shot that comes his way which as we know this year always falls back to the opposition for a tap in. with his 'comes for crosses' trait you would think that hes really good at picking the ball out of the air and stopping opponents from scoring from corners but almost every corner he moves out of the goal to catch the ball and either misses or just leaves it meaning the goal is almost wide open. Another big problem is his height which you would think wouldn't be a problem as he has good diving and reflexes but you defiantly feel it, almost every finesse shot against him goes in as he cannot reach far across. Like i said this card is not the worst but if your looking for a cheaper alternative that's better i would highly recommend Courtois or Neto if its a La Liga or Neuer if its a German team.
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