Eusébio's Mid Icon card is rated 91, he is 175cm | 5'9" tall, right-footed Portugal striker (CF)
that plays for
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.1
out of 5 .
He has 5-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 2,223,764 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 1.116.
Eusébio has 3 special cards
with ratings between 89 and 94.
The best chemistry style for him is ENGINE.
He was born on 25-01-1942.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Got blessed and packed him in my base/mid icon pack. Played him as a striker in a 4231 and he is just insane. In 20 weekend league matches he banged 47 goals. You just cant go wrong with this card he got it all, pace, shooting, dribbling, passing, stamina, two footed. He lacks a bit of strenght but it really oesnt care.
Shooting, every stat is above 91
heading and jumping
card pic
you got to sell your house if you want to buy him off the market
Disheartened as hell that I had grinded so hard for TOTY and packed stuff all, I managed to pack this bad boi out of a Base or Mid Icon Pack using all the useless fodder I had accumulated. Do I care that I didn't pack a TOTY now? No way.
THIS MAN IS INSANE. From the way he dribbles, turns and accelerates away, he leaves Varane/Gomez sitting on their little meta holes and dances away like what you'd expect a 4 million coin card to do. He has completely changed my fortunes. Not only does he score a truck load of goals, he has increased the output of my 7 chem gold Mbappe. I don't know how, but it is remarkable.
If you ever have the pleasure to play with this card, or are graced with the opportunity to purchase such a thing of beauty - DO IT. He is truly a stand out card and I now understand why those money-merchants on YouTube love him.
Anyway thank you for listening to my TEDTalk... enjoy your day... I'm stuck in lockdown...But at least I have a reason to smile whilst playing FIFA21 as opposed to launching my controller at the TV.
Dribbling - no, it isn't superglue. he just holds onto the ball THAT well
Acceleration - this man is zoomier than a border collie puppy
Shooting - left, right, goodnight ... need i say more?
Before this WL i have made a ballsy decision splashing over 3m, tried him out in all 30 games with a ST partnership with 91 RB Mbappe.
Saying that, he outplayed Mbappe in every single game aspect. His pace isnt as noticable as Mbappes, but his dribbling is INSANE.
He can turn so quickly, I honestly havent experienced anything like it with any "current" players, not even Neymar. The way this guy turns is something else. Due to his 5st WF you will always find that extra space to shoot the ball and let me tell you, 99% of the time it goes top bins.
If I could compare him to any player, the closest would probably be FIFA 20 Ben Yedder 88, but with much better passing, pace and finishing.
Would I pay 3m for him? Absolutely. Should you pay 3m for him? Well, yes and no.
Saying that, if you are on a tight budget, dont just go for 1 player and pray he makes a difference. My striker partnership of him and Mbappe complemented themselves very well, Mbappe, being more pacy, was usually more of a ball carrier and Eusebio my "finisher"
Ive tried a few longshots with him as well, being it well angled finesse shots and although his lack of finesse shot trait is noticable ingame, I managed to finish a couple of these longshots, which given the nature of this game was quite surprising.
To summarize it all, he is all you are looking for when splashing 3.3m for just 1 player. Ive tried Cruyff 91, Pele 95 and now Eusebio. For me personally, Eusebio is just in the middle. Slightly better than Cruyff, but worse than Pele by a landslide, but 2m cheaper of course.
Amazing pace ( not Mbappe level, but quite enough, easily outpacing Varane and all other meta CB, well apart from Walker, who was a nightmare to pass by Euse )
LIGHTS OUT DRIBBLING, omg i cant justify how great he feels on the ball, it came to a point, when i was so confident in his dribbling, i wasnt even using skill moves and bridges and just left sticked my way through defenses, pretty easily so.
11/10 finishing - FUT 20 Ben Yedder on steroids, almost every shot goes in, if you arent a complete bum in the game
Great passing for a ST
He is weak ... With his strenght not being exactly the best and his rather small size makes him quite an easy target for strong players. He was struggling against VVD, Klaiber etc.
5* skills would likely make him the 3rd most expensive player in the game after R9 and Gullit
Price, lets just say he could be a bit cheaper, he isnt really a great value for money, but still 9/10 player regardless
Also ich hab diesen Typen aus einem Mid Icon Pack gezogen und war erstmal sehr happy und ich muss auch sagen, dass Eusebio kein schlechter Spieler ist, nur iwie ist meiner kaputt. Oder der Knecht ist generell Quatsch mit Soße. Gespielt hab ich den zu nem großen Teil mit einem Hunter Chem Style und auch mit Engine und Hawk, aber nichts war so wirklich zufriedenstellend.
Ich hab Eusebio mit Mbappe in einem Doppelsturm im 4-4-2(2) gespielt.
Pace 7/10:
Ich krieg Anfälle wenn der Typ anfängt loszulaufen mit dem Ball, das sind keine 99 Antritt, die der mit Hunter haben sollte, sind aber auch keine 92 wie auf der Karte, das kommt einem vor wie maximal 60. Ich hab um das Problem zu beheben versucht mit dem Directional Nutmeg zu arbeiten (L1+R1 und dann in eine Richtung), aber auch damit hat der Knecht Probleme. Mbappe neben dem läuft los wie ne Rakete. Wenn er dann aber einmal läuft ist er auf jeden Fall schnell genug und kann auch gut mit einem Umut Pass angespielt werden.
Schuss 8/10:
Der Typ ist mir ein absolutes Rätsel, manchmal ballert der nen Ball mit 200 km/h in den Knick und manchmal sieht das aus wie Torsten, 140 Kilo, Kreisligastürmer. Sowasvon inkonstant. Wenigstens hat Eusebio 5 Sterne Weakfoot, was es ihm erlaubt in wichtigen Szenen den Ball mit beiden Füßen in die Tribüne zu setzen. Stellungsspiel ist 1a und das ist der einzige Grund warum er so viele Tore macht. In 240 Spielen, 280 Tore und auch über hundert Assists. Wäre der Schuss konstant so wie ich ihn manchmal empfinde, ist das mit der beste Abschluss im Spiel. Nur das leider einfach genau das fehlt. In wichtigen Spielen ärgert man sich bei einem so vermeintlich hochwertigem Spieler einfach, wenn die Hundertprozentige neben das Tor fliegt. Finesse Schüsse sind auch sehr inkonstant, manchmal besonders krank geil und manchmal einfach nur in die Wolken.
Pass 7/10:
Keine Ahnung nie einen Freistoß mit dem Mann gemacht, aber sonst nichts besonderes. Kann gut Mbappe mit Steilpässen in Szene setzen und in der nächsten Szene kriegt der keinen 3 Meter Pass gebacken. Aber das ist generell oft so, da geb ich eher dem Spiel die Schuld.
Dribbling 6/10:
Da steht 90 Dribbling, ich erwarte 90 Dribbling, ich erwarte enge Ballführung und Beweglichkeit. Absoluter Fake Stat, also ich hätte dem am liebsten nur ne 3/10 gegeben, aber das wird ihm dann doch nicht ganz gerecht. Eusebio hat eine ganz eigene besondere Ballführung, hört sich gut an, ist aber eigentlich absolute Gülle. Zuerstmal hat der einen komischen First Touch und dann dauert es komischerweise immer ewig bis man dann ins Dribbling gehen kann. Ich hab so oft bei dem so eigenartige Animationen gesehen, die einfach nur dafür sorgen, dass die Verteidiger leichtes Spiel haben. Es ist sehr schwierig zu erklären, wär der Leser blöd könnte er es ja gerne mal testen und 170k EA Taxes bezahlen. Der Knecht kann nicht dribbeln, das liegt aber nicht nur an den Dribbling Stats sondern an seinem komischen Antritt. Man denkt man hat den Verteidiger in die Wüste geschickt und dann rennt man los und merkt, dass man das Tor nicht erreichen wird. 4 Sterne Skills sind okay, skille auch gerne und das klappt dann auch mal ab und zu. Nur seitdem jeder verteidigen kann, braucht man präzises Dribbling im Strafraum und er hat es einfach nicht. Er ist wohl sehr buggy, das ist manchmal gut und manchmal schlecht, aber da ist so ein Neymar 10 mal unangenehmer. Es nervt einfach, man hat einen 3,5 Mio Spieler und man verliert mit dem den Ball, und zwar nicht, weil man schlecht dribbelt, sondern weil der Knecht einfach zu lange braucht. Ich erwarte bei so einem Spieler einen gamechanger und Präzison und das ist leider nicht der Fall.
Verteidigen 2/10:
Ja, digga der ist Stürmer, was will man erwarten.
Physis 5/10:
Gute Ausdauer, reicht ganzes Game easy. Aber Stärke technisch katastrophe, also versuchs gar nicht erst irgendwen zu überpowern. Nach nem Steilpass mit L2 abschirmen klappt dafür aber ganz gut. Nur der verliert SOOOO leicht den Ball manchmal, einfach Arbeitsverweigerung und keine Gegenwehr, nichts.
Anmerkung: Workrates sind sehr gut, er holt sich komischerweise oft hinten selber den Ball und lässt sich fallen, keine Anweisung nix.
Holt ihn euch nicht, er ist es nicht wert, kein Plan, ob nur meiner so ein Knecht ist, aber er wird keine 3,5 Mio wert sein, garantiert.
So guys, i know a lot of people would not expect this, bus mid Eusebio is a fraud. I was lucky enough to pack this guy in my mid icon pack and you can imagine how happy i was. I needed a clinical finisher and i really thought Eusebio is gonna be more than perfect for this role. He should be fast, agile and almost every shot should end up in the net. And dont get me wrong, sure Eusebio really is fast and super responsive. But his shooting? Not as good as his card shows, not at all. He scores a lot of goals for me, but he misses at least one super easy chance every single match. In the end, it is fifa and it happens with almost every card, but you would still expect a lot more from a player that costs 3 mil. His strength is also a problem, literally every player int this game will outstrength him, even Papu Gomez is stronger i swear man. Please guys, buy Mbappe instead and save your coins, this guy is NOT worth it!!!
I packed him from mid/prime icon pack. At first I was really happy, but as time went on, i was disapointed. When I packed him, his price was about 3M coins on xbox, so expectations were huge. I played with him 3 weekend leagues and few rivals matches and I have to say, he is absolutely not worth that price. Don´t take me wrong, obviously he is nice player, but I look on him as on player for that price, for 3M. I played him on ST and CAM, I paired him with WBY Headliner, Futurestars Barnes and Prime Hugo Sánchez and honestly, WBY and HS performed more consistently and better overall. WBY and HS scored easily more then Euseb.
Of course, he can run, he can shoot, he can pass, but trust me, this can do a lot of cards in the game, which are a lot cheaper. If you buy card for 3M coins, you would like to see something more, but Eusebio won´t give you this. In the last WL he missed some enormous chances and I was really angry, because WBY and HS don´t do this.
I am happy, that I packed him, but honestly, I would pay a maximum of about 800K for him.
Sooo DON´T BUY HIM, DON´T BUY HIM, DON´T BUY HIM!!! You will be really sad, if you do it.
I played 91 Eusebio for 30 games and I have to say I might not fully understand this player. So this is just my personal viewpoint, you don't have to take it too seriously if you don't agree with me. First of all, we have to notice that this is an almost 4 m coin card. Everyone wants to make sure they have the right choice when buying him. At least I was being super cautious when buying him. generally, he disappointed me. My biggest concern for him is his strength. That really matters a lot when playing a high-pressure game above div 3. If you just play for fun, it totally fine, he is super agile and no weak foot, master in every perspective except strength. I have to say it's not a good choice for me. In addition, his move without the ball is kind of tricky. You have to get used to it for a while. But I highly recommend people with super skill move addiction to try this card. This will be best for you guys. For me personally, he is way from tough and solid and I feel so angry at him when he misses chances or gets blocked.
Hi everyone, today i will be reviewing: Eusebio...
Packed him from base or mid icon pack. Was very happy, but now that i have tested him... I have to say that he kinda sucks.
I use him in this team:
But now doe, let me get to the ratings...
Pace: 8/10
Of course, he is quick but not what i expected from him. He can't outpace Varane or Joe Gomez... Or even Ramos!
Shooting: 6/10
His stats lie. I expected him to be a better, faster version of a plyer like Lewandowski but he misses open nets for me... He shoots at the post!
Passing: 5/10
He passes like a normal player, nothing special.
Dribbling: 5/10
My POTM Son outshines him. He doesn't know how to dribble.
Defending: N/A
Didn't try him at CB but i think he would suck there too.
Physicality: 4/10
Most CB's bully him. He can't win any air balls.
Overall: 5/10
Expected him to be a god-like striker... But he just sucks... I only have him in my team beacuse he links to everyone... Who knows, maybe i'll replace him with POTM Joao Felix.
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