Robert Lewandowski's TOTY card is rated 98, he is 184cm | 6'0" tall, right-footed Poland striker (ST)
that plays for
FC Bayern
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 3,406,940 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 1.250.
Robert Lewandowski has 7 special cards
with ratings between 91 and 98.
The best chemistry style for him is ENGINE.
He was born on 21-08-1988 and he is now 36 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 19 goals and 2 assists in 22 matches in domestic competition. He also received 1 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 145,000 on PlayStation,
150,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Let me set the scene, I have 11 Packs saved for TOTY, because you're probably more likely to win the lottery then pack one of these so I didn't bother going crazy. I open the untradeable rare mega you get get from the rival wins objective. I'm thinking it's a ucl (I didn't even see the different flair)… Polish... Striker. I started hyperventilating. Never in my 7 years of Ultimate Team ever had a TOTY in my club.
Anyways, Where do I start. Both of his Feet are CANNONS. Literally doesn't even seem like he has 4* WF. Sometimes it's slightly noticeable with players like Mbappe. However with Lewa it's going in 99.9% of the time. His shooting is honestly a cheat code. A Finesse shot from outside of the box will almost go top bins every time. You can also get away with shooting from crazy angles because again, they'll find a way in he's that good.
In terms of his other attributes, with an Engine, he has crazy smooth dribbling. This caught me off guard, since he doesn't have Lean body type and isn't small; I thought despite his stats he wouldn't be super amazing on the ball because of his height and build, but like Mbappe, CR7 and Neymar he has that invisible force field around him and can easily create chances to get a shot off.
His passing is Immaculate, nothing much else to say.
The physicals speak for the selves. He jumps like there's no tomorrow on the front post and can actually fend off the big beefy defends like Rio and Varane.
Also would like to mention he has his own sexy free kick and penalty run up style.
All of the games played were Div 1 (2100 SR) and champs. He is definitely a player that will elevate your game. Games I would win 2-0 usually, I find I'm scoring 3 or 4 because his finishing is just that much better than the rest. In terms of the complete striker I don't think you could ask for much more from him other than 5* Skills and WF. The price tag is definitely justified. I would argue he is the most complete striker in the game behind TOTY CR7.
INSANE shooting
Brilliant passing
Smooth Dribbling
Jumping and heading adds a new dynamic to your game.
I was lucky enough to get this card in the 84+ player pick. I used him for 3 matches on rivals as the connection was horrible to play champs and he scored 10 goals. I got to say I'm not a pro but not too bad and I chill in div 3. I usually get many chances and then blew them because my strikers missing or just not being creative enough but whit Robert all it takes to score is to shot. I am almost certain that I did not miss a single shot that could go in. His heading and physical is also perfect, he out headed Ramos and VVD in a corner.
Okay, so let's start with why I decided to buy this card, well it's fairly obvious I am from Poland and I am proud to see Robert getting his TOTY card for the first time, obviously well deserve, although a bit disappointed he is not 99 rated, but that is minor. Let's get to the actual review! (Oh, as I mentioned before, I am from Poland so please excuse if something is not written very clear)
Pace - Lewandowski is quick, much much quicker than on his gold, or even IF/SIF card. As you probably know, he won't be able to outpace Varane or Mendy but he is much quicker than you expect. If you've played with his golden card you probably were shooting from outside a box since through balls towards him were hopeless, when it comes to his TOTY card, you can feel free to actually do it.
Shooting - Surprisingly more than I expected, shooting from inside a box? That's going to be a goal. Shooting from outside a penalty box? That is going to be a goal as well. Shooting with his weak foot? No problem, out of like 10-15 games I played with him, he only missed the goal twice using his left foot. Also worth mentioning his traits which is Finesse shot and from outside foot. Headers are also surprisingly good, no he isn't better than Ronaldo at headers, but you can easily direct the ball at him rather than your tall defenders, he just got something special in it.
Passing - Well, now we are going to talk about passing. To be completely honest, his passing is good, however I did not test it properly, because I've been playing 5-3-2 and the "best" pass I could possibly make was of a distance 9-12meters, so yes passes are accurate. Free kicks are actually very very good, he reminds me of Alex Telles TOTS in Fifa 19. I always scored with him a free kick, and in this fifa with Lewandowski TOTY, although I am quite bad at set pieces, he scored 8 free kicks out of 20 possible. Obviously if you are master at it, the statistics will be much better. ( OHH Forgot to mention, I am division 4 player at 1400 Rating and 10 games were played in DR, 3 in Fut champs)
Dribbling - Lewandowski's agility could be improved with a chemistry style, as its quite low, but the ball control is just amazing the ball is stuck to his foot. Compulsory is also great, he can finish it perfectly whilst having 2 defenders behind him and its 119th minute :). Not much else to say, since I only use bridge and ball roll to be honest, and sometimes drag back. Lewandowski can perform tricks easily.
Defending - You might call me crazy, but I did actually try to play him as a CM in 4-4-2 alongside Kante, and Lewandowski due to his posture can actually tackle the ball quite easily despite his low defending stats.
Physicality - Last but not least, how good is he when it comes to physicality you might wonder? My answer is, he is very good just how the card shows. He is very very strong, hard to get the ball away from him, if you press L1/LB with a good timing. He can jump very high as well, so if you are a timewaster (I do not recommend to do it and like to pass to your players over and over with L1/LB Square/X, then yes Lewandowski will be perfect for that. His stamina is alright, you can easily play him for 90 minutes if you are not overusing team pressure, however you might struggle to play him for 120 mins. Although if you are still drawing and its like 2-3 minutes left of ET, you might want to leave him for penalties, which are superior btw :).
Shooting - Shoot = Goal
Physicality - Strong, good headers just great number 9
Pace, feels faster than stats are shown, usually its the other way around.
His links might be a problem; I linked him with Davies in 4-2-2-2.
You cant lie to yourself, he is expensive, probably it is better option to buy Neymar Ronaldo and Mbappe (Gold) for price of TOTY Lewandowski, but as I mentioned before I am biased due to where I am from.
I packed TOTY Lewandowski in a 75+ Rare Gold Player pack from the TOTY 12th Man Messi Objectives. Almost needed a new pair of pants. I'm by no means a phenomenal FIFA player, I consistently hop between div 3 and 4. This card is insane. I have base icon Ronaldo in a strike partnership with the Polish striker and Lewa outshines him easily. Haven't used him for very long but what's not to like? Seriously if you look at this card and pick holes you shouldn't be allowed to play FUT ever again.
Pace (96 with engine)
Shooting - scores from anywhere in the box, any type of finish
Short Passing
Strength (99 base)
Free Kicks
4* 4*
6'0" with 95 jumping and 99 heading accuracy
Literally the perfect striker
Links (but I think I was hindered by trying to fit him into an existing team)
I was lucky enough to pack Lewandowski out of the 84+pp on the first night of TOTY, so just in time for weekend league. Over the 30 games he was so consistent, aside from a few games which I blame to EA scripting, but all in all he is such a solid striker. He's fast, not freeze Maximin/Mbappe fast but he is so close, probably due to his height and body type but his strength makes up for it as 9/10 he just bodies defenders off the ball. Yes, even Varane. 9/10 of his shots are bats outta hell and no keeper has any chance of saving, but there can be an odd one or two which looks like he's hit it with his little toe but somehow they manage to still go in, he's just a GOAL machine to put it lightly. His passing is average, sometimes looks like a prime Pirlo without the greasy hair but others looks like a prime Joe Allen. Don't get me started on his heading, I never released EA added the "Take a step ladder into the box" trait because this guy jumps so high and headers most balls in, if you get a good cross into him of course. Lastly his dribbling is something Messi would be proud of, but not as good as Messi, no one is as good as Messi. I recommend playing a small agile striker with him, for example like a Freeze Maximin or any agile/fast/sweaty/op/meta striker of your choice. I use baby Pele, an average striker. But if you thinking of buying him, I recommend 100%. Just give him a chance if you've packed him, he takes a few games getting used to, TRUST ME.
Shooting - Feels like he's just fired the ball out of a Barrett 50 Cal
Heading - As if his heads made from solid steel
Strength - Could body the hulk if he played football
Dribbling - Very sharp and somewhat agile, but you need do use it properly and in a certain way, non sprinting dribbling is very OP
Volleys - You would think his volleys activate a magnet in the ball to go towards the goal
Weak Foot - Can be just as strong as his right foot, hardy notice the 4*
Skills - 4* is all you need in a striker like him, that's why I suggest an agile striker to play along side him with 5* it that is what you require
Lewandowski was packed for me in the futties pp. I then began to play him on an engine in division 4 rivals and straight away, he felt good and can finish his dinner inside the box at any time and often scores from outside of the box.
During TOTY i was crafting TOTY packs like crazy. I'd never actually packed one before so I was really eager to get one this year..1 hour into opening and recycling I packd TOTY Neuer and shortly after the main man Lewandowski appeared...funniest thing is that I saw a Choupo UCL common card first so was already disappointed before I gasped loool!
During TOTS last year I got really lucky and had packed his 99 card so I knew what to expect as previously that card took a while for me to get used to.
Truthfully Lewan should have been the only 99 rated this year but its clear EA want TOTS to be the period when endgame cards arrive..ANYWAY
He is such an insane card, he has been robbed of upgrades such as pace and agility but its all good as an engine is the chem that gives him the deserved boosts for this card.
He is such a potent striking machine, has amazing passing, the best shooting next to CR7 TOTY and insane physicals. He is so versatile with all the shooting traits he holds that your opponent will be overloaded with no clue of what he will do.
Me tocó intransferible y después de unas semanas de uso puedo decir que es brutal. Cualquier tiro que haga es gol, su 98 de tiro hace que sus 4WF sean como 5, también se mueve bastante bien y los defensas no pueden ganarle en fuerza
TOTY Lewandowski is a complete forward with tons of resources. I have seen new striker animations with this guy and also he has a unique free kicks and penalty run animation. He is a complete forward: enough pace, amazing shooting, great passing, good dribbling and great physicality. Free kicks have never been easy for me until Lewandowski came to my club. But the issue with this guy is the game physics, FIFA 21 is not made to exploit player like Lewandowski and watch their best (you need Mbappe likely players for better performance of your team). Maybe in FIFA 18 a TOTY Lewandowski would be a king of the game but this year Lewandowski's type of player is a step behind of meta players.
TOTY Lewandowski is a fun player to use and you will enjoy shooting with this guy and watching he's striker animation.
Shooting (everything)
Shooting unique animations
Free kicks
Heading and jumping
87 stamina (is a good one but for a TOTY it might be +90)
Game physics (FIFA 21 is not made for tall players to see their best)
Balance - he has nice balance but the game physics affects him
Body type - more esay for defenders to catch or unbalance
+2M coins and TOTY card, you expect the best forward of the game but he isn't
I packed this guy in my two 81+ attacker upgrades and i can say he is incredible. his pace upgrade is the most noticeable thing for me. his 91 sprint speed partnered with his insane dribbling, he is one of the only player who can pass varane and mendy.
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