Henrik Larsson's ICON MOMENTS card is rated 91, he is 178cm | 5'10" tall, right-footed Sweden striker (ST)
that plays for
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.7
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 520,411 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.951.
Henrik Larsson has 3 special cards
with ratings between 86 and 91.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 20-09-1971 and he is now 52 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Well before King Zlatan was seeded at the throne there was another… the sovereign saint with the flowing locks, King Henrik, ruled Swedish football with a golden boot. The Celtic man is famous for his tireless style of football… and of course, the goals. While this year has felt like an eternity… It is insane to think that over a year ago I was testing this very same card in FIFA 20 with rave reviews. The King was truly in control and the goals were flowing quick and fast back then. While a lot has changed in our lives since that time, I was hoping that one remaining consistency could be found in the performance of Prime ICON Moments Henrik Larsson. Playing alongside Luiz Hernandez in the 4-3-1-2 (YouTube video on 4-3-1-2 Tactics out now!) I was certain goals would come and really felt the two snipers could pull me forward throughout the weekend. In the end, the results were varied and Larsson never truly hit the strides I hoped he would. The application of the HAWK chemistry felt like the way to push Larsson on and overall played a part in the success that he managed throughout the weekend. Larsson ruled over his subjects all weekend in the following squad:
I realize I am going to take some heat for this one. When you mix one popular card, with a dash of “he does bits for me”, you often end up with a recipe for push back. But as I have mentioned in the past my hands are tied by what I experience on screen throughout the Weekend League grind. Ultimately the proof is in the statistics for this one, and it really isn’t great reading with 17 goals and 11 assists in 20 matches. The goal contribution per game is low and so was my overall impression from early on in the review. The key here has to be the squandered chances… and true I gave a 9/10 for Shooting Rating based on the overall feel of how Larsson hits the ball and the goals he did score. However, I just felt that he left so many chances on the table and ultimately was a factor in the matches that I struggled with during the weekend and is therefore worth a 9/10 with further discussion to come.
Main Statistic - Pace
Pace Rating: 9/10
Work Rate: High/High
This card is certainly both quick and fast… but he could not match Hernandez for output in either category especially in terms of sprint speed. I will say that I do feel that there was more at play than just the Pace alone throughout the review. It was uncanny how many times I would see Larsson moving into proper spaces, only to have my pass go shockingly wide after Larsson decided to stop completely dead in front of untroubled defensive lines. With 99 POSITIONING & HIGH/HIGH WORK RATES, I did find it interesting that his decision making in the attacking third was shocking throughout the review. The issue is of course that the rating still needed to focus on Larsson when on the ball and overall there was plenty to still warrant a 9/10 rating.
Why? The question on my lips more often than not this weekend as I wondered time after time “why” my Larsson was not hitting the heights he should. 99 FINISHING, 94 SHOT POWER & 95 LONG SHOTS mixed with the close to perfect 4 STAR WEAK FOOT are certainly statistics representative of a quality FUT striker. Yet, Larsson never really took off at any point throughout the review. In matches where the goals were flowing, I would look back and Larsson would have only managed 1 or 2 tops. When matches were more difficult he often fell short of the scoresheet completely. It was even to a point where I wondered if maybe I was playing too much to one side and switched Hernandez and Larsson sides at the top… and as a result, Hernandez scored a hattrick while Larsson managed 1 goal and 1 assist to round off the match. The truth is that he just doesn’t feel as clinical as the bright and shiny shooting statistics and traits with this card would suggest. Although on a positive note I should say that this card has some of the best outside of the box finesse shots I have used this FIFA.
Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad
Value/Coins Rating: 4/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 4/5
840k. A price that has fallen slightly since the lack of content and borders on the “about right” category for the statistics ICON Moments Larsson possesses. However, I could never fully recommend the price tag of a card this expensive without at least a goal per game contribution as a ST in my squad. Interestingly, throughout the review, I was also quite critical of the passing with this card as Larsson really struggled to link up with Hernandez in high traffic areas. With 90 SHORT PASSING, I simply expected way more… although if I am going to draw on statistics for other conversations, then I have to mention that the 11 assists in 20 matches Larson managed are a fantastic return despite some of his shortcomings.
The final statistics work well together when discussing the Physicality and Dribbling associated with this card. At 178cm | 5’10 I was certain Larsson would still have the agility that made him so popular with me during my FIFA 20 review. In the end, I was proven correct as Larsson does feel crisp and responsive on the ball when the chances arrive. The quality of Larsson on the dribble paired amazingly with his 73 STRENGTH in high pressure situations and certainly aided the squad's ball retention as the matches became more difficult.
Closing Words
Trying a little something new with the videos… jacking the music up beyond the gameplay.. please let me know if this is better or worse moving forward in the comments. And on that note, the video did remind me of Larsson’s abilities in and certainly around the 18-yard box… and if anything it really frustrates me that a card with such potential has been really affected by the patch. The Weekend League statistics and my Weekend League observations both speak to the fact this card doesn’t quite have the “it” factor that it did in previous years. For those that are smashing it with Larsson, I am happy he is doing the business for you… but for those that haven’t used him and are looking for a final verdict, it is a pass for me. Hoping all is well. Cheers for reading.
Hi there I'm a completely average player that has always reached 17-20 (If I try hard and with luck,Internet and every other aspect that is useful for wining this game, once or twice 23) so about Larsson, I already had his prime in my team but with the release of the Icon Moments (with the astonishing pictures of the legends of football) and seeing his moments stats I waited 1 week so that his price would get stabled and sniped him around 1.3 Mil (he was then +1.4, although right now he has sunken to 990)
I played 2 WL with him with records : Last week (17 W - 6 L) and this week (17 W - 8 L) he was my main forward (used hawk to maximize his jumping,shot power & long shots) in 442 alongside Dybala 91 or in 4312 alongside Mid Best and in 51 games I scored 62 G + 37 A.
He is one of the best forwards I've played with in this fifa and I have played with Rush, Kluivert, Stoichkov, Ronaldo, ... so here are the cons in general :
He is shots are like a rocket, either you just wanna shot or wanna finesse it (that I highly recommend specially with his 90 Curve & Finesse Shot Trait)
If you are a lover of crosses and score goals with headers like me and want someone who can score headers like its a walk in the park ; Them Larsson is definitely your man, I can give you assurance that he will score 8 out of every 10 crosses (a little comedy reference for those who know)
His passing is absolutely phenomenal with 90 short pass + 90 curve + 89 vision, his passes seldom don't reach your desired target.
With hawk he has 99 Acc + 95 Sprint speed, so you have no worry in that part too, if you are in front of a cb (even a fast one) they wont reach you that soon even if they reach you you still have some time to keep hold of the ball because of his 85 aggression and score a goal with either foot because his 4 star weak foot literally feels like a 5 star.
Well it has to be said : I'm not a user of skills that much (of course I do rollovers or heel flick or dragback or elastico and some other easy ones but at no way I can change more than 2 skills) So for the ones who like to use dribbles or are very skilled at it and like to chain skills a 3 Star Skill player is not ideal for you at all but let me tell you he is not clunky at all and feels really smooth, of course he is no neymar or eusbio but he is a really fast and agile striker.
Also sometimes when either he is shooting or heading even in situations where you know its a 100% goal it just hits the post and lefts you in aww but that's more on the awful gameplay than him tbh :))
Das hier ist mein erstes Review. Ich habe mal den Larsson genommen da ich sonst immer mit Torres gespielt habe den prime. Und ich war echt erstaunt.
Larsson ist sehr aktiv und präsent im Sturm. Spielt geile Pässe und sein Abschluss ist eine Granate besonders der Finess. Die Dinger ballerte er bei mir in den Winkel.
Formation Anfang war 4-51 und ingame 4-2-2-2 Larsson und Jones im ST
Er macht seinen Job und macht die Dinger rein ins Tor.
Ich habe ihn mit dem 88 Jones im Doppel sturm gespielt und es lief Mega gut. Klar ist echt auf dem ersten Blick nicht so geil aber leute die 3 Sterne Skill wenn ihr das nicht benötigt denn fuck drauf nehmt ihn und knallt rein. Er hat in der WL bei mir nur gespielt und in 19 Games 29 Tore und 9 Vorlagen gemacht. Ich bin erstaunt und zufrieden mit seiner Leistung.
ZU mir bin nur so ne Wusilger 14-20 Siege Spieler. Also nix besonders.
@Eligella gönn ihn dir der macht auch mal die Dreckigen dinger :P
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