Manuel Neuer's card is rated 89, he is 193cm | 6'4" tall, right-footed Germany (GK)
that plays for
FC Bayern
with Med/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 3.5
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 1-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 14,095,289 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.001.
Manuel Neuer has 4 special cards
with ratings between 89 and 96.
The best chemistry style for him is GK BASIC.
He was born on 27-03-1986 and he is now 38 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 17 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 17,250 on PlayStation,
12,000 on Xbox,
and 30,000 on PC.
NEUER IS A BEAST KEEPER! This guy is actually insane. On Glove chemistry style, he saves almost everything. I only had to worry about him when my defenders were out of position and even then he would save. If you can afford him now, get him asap. He can link with Niakhiate and Hernandez and you can build a decent french team around that. Considering he's won so many awards in real life, this guy continues to boss the goal and be what you imagine a keeper to be.
I am DIV 1 with 2100+ points and Elite in FUT CHAMPIONS.
NEUER is a monster. Just one of the best goalkeepers in FIFA 21. He is recognized as a great goalkeeper even by pro players. He has very good reflexes, good positioning and saves a lot of goals with his reflexes. He has a good speed statistic which allows him to go out on the defender very easily.
Little warning, yes he is strong but yes you can take goals like any goalkeeper in the game. This is normal. If you defend badly or your opponent makes a good shot, you will inevitably take goals even with a goalkeeper with 99 statistics everywhere. So those who put negative reviews on Neuer, without being mean, sorry but this is bad faith on your part. Of course the goalkeepers this year are not incredible but since the last update this problem has been fixed. Neuer is really TOP TIER.I have tried almost all the "meta" goalies and all the highest ratios (Ter Stegen, Ederson, Courtois ...) and this is by far one of the best. I play him in a composition where he doesn't even have 10 of chemistry (8) and he is still incredible. I have tried almost all the "meta" goalies and all the highest ratios (Ter Stegen, Ederson, Courtois ...) and this is by far one of the best. I play him in a composition where he doesn't even have 10 of a collective (8) and he is still incredible. Believe me, it will save your "FUT CHAMPIONS" and your matches in "RIVALS" especially in the high divisions.
- Incredible reflexes
- A very good positioning
- Very good speed
- He throws the ball back well
- His size for lobbed shots is a disadvantage BUT his speed allows him to come back quickly in the goal so he takes much less than most goalkeepers.
So, I wanted to upgrade from Gulacsi and needed full chem to RTTF Klostermann, and thought I’d try Neuer. He is honestly the best gk in the game by a mile. His personal save animations make across goal shots more save able and his reactions from close range, and even his long range stopping is incredible. For so cheap as well, a definite buy for your team.
Diving - Covers the full goal
Positioning - Always perfectly in place
Reactions - Can save close range shots so much better than any other keeper
Speed - One of the fastest keepers also, very good at rushing out and claiming the ball
Handling - Can sometimes drop a couple easy catches but all in all, hardly ever makes a mistake
I played him earlier this year because I packed him untradeable and he was absolutely shit, I switched to Pope IF who was better. But after a while I wanted to try someone new in my goal so I saw Neuer again, just vibing in my club, and decided to try him out with Boateng. Surprisingly he was insanely good, even on a Pope level. He alone saved 3 games back-to-back like 3 100% chances each game and was a complete game changer. He had animations I have never seen on a keeper. Can definetely recommend, but I can imagine that his performance changes from patch to patch. I have no individual tactics on him, everything on standard if it helps.
Manuel Neuer ist that goalkeeper that always had to be in my team at least for one Weekend League in past Fifa's and this one wasn't a exception.
Neuer is a G.O.A.T under keepers in real life. And guess what? He is also a G.O.A.T in Fifa. Of course, all keepers have their nice and bad sites but what makes Neuer feel special are his animations and that loved "wall hands" that he uses while being in one on one. Trust me, there is no keeper that will make your opponenets shit their pants, unlike his name is Manuel "Wall" Neuer. The one and only. I am using the man with glove and this is what makes him a more special card too. His parades are out of this world becuase of the animations also. Just watch and love how he is saving you the important games. Don't judge by a flop that every keeper can do. Put a glove on this beast and watch him save your day.
He doesn't work for me as good as he should. As the best keeper irl and one of the best in the game he is way worse then Casteels for me. It is disapointing to see how bad he works, if he leaves the goalline. I only tried four (mainly Bundesliga) Keepers this year and he was average or just below average. Compared to Casteels he saves way to less if you consider that he is like 40 times more expensive. In my opinion you should spend the money on other positions, where you maybe can feel more of a difference.
Every shot against this keeper goes in. He cannot save any kind of shot. He is not quick off his line like Oblak, and he cannot make diving saves like Courtois. He refuses to hold on to the ball. He plays like he has no arms. Was surprised to see he's 6'4 because he really feels about 5ft in game. Shockingly bad. Shoot at him and it'll go in. I promise.
This man has done nothing for my team but provide chemistry for my other players at a cheaper price than Allison. I could have 10-15 shots on target a game, but with this guy in my net it would not be a surprise when my opponent scores from their only attempt. He is absolutely abysmal. His favourite pastime in my weekend league games was with a sun lounger and a cold can of lager watching the balls fly past him and his goalposts. But if you're ready to play with a BTEC Forest Gump in goal, then this might just be your man.
Gave me a good laugh when I just knew he wasn't going to save a shot at every single angle or speed.
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