Fernando Torres's Prime Icon card is rated 91, he is 186cm | 6'1" tall, right-footed Spain striker (ST)
that plays for
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.2
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,459,338 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 1.123.
Fernando Torres has 3 special cards
with ratings between 85 and 92.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 20-03-1984 and he is now 40 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 340,000 on PC.
After trying Mid Puskas, Baby Ronaldo, Mid Eto'o and not being entirely happy with any of them, I decided to give Prime El Nino a shot. And what can I say - he was a Gamechanger for my Squad, bringing me from Div 2 to Div 1 and also bringing the first Elite 3 Weekend League I've ever managed to achieve.
I've paired him up with CR7 up front and for me personally he completely stole the show! He feels very very smooth on the ball, his finishing is clinical and what impressed me the most was his crazy positioning. He seemed to always be in the right spot in front of goal and making deadly runs, so that even the meta defenders like Varane, Walker, Gomez, Koundé or others could not stop him. Also his Dribbling and his Skills feel very silky, creating space with ease. What he also has is the tiny bit of height, that does not make him clunky at all, but gives him the extra bit of strength to body defenders, which is - alongside with his crazy pace - the reason that he is so hard to stop. Also his Weakfoot easily feels like a 5 Star - he slots it home from anywhere.
Pace (Acceleration is crazy, Sprint Speed as well)
Shooting (Finesse Shot is guaranteed goal)
Dribbling (Smooth Operator)
POSITIONING (like a Phantom)
Deadly Weakfoot (feels like 5*)
Price (2.4 Mill is rather expensive, but sooooo worth the coins)
So like most of us I'm trying to save coins for the crash but I got so bored of my untradeable team and bought Torres since he's becoming more affordable. I am a Div 1 player and Elite 3ish weekend league player if anyone cares about that.
EL Nino to me is definitely worth the price tag. He's a handful on the pitch and made an impact as soon I put him in the squad. I put a finisher on him after starting off with an engine and I'll tell you why. With the Engine you get the pace boost and the dribbling boost which definitely helps but I thought the finisher gave him that agility he needed for max responsiveness. More importantly you combine that with max shot power and his traits, he becomes one of the best strikers in the game. He glides by opponents and his strong enough to hold off some of the better meta defenders in the game. Torres was strong in the air and scored some headers for me which we all know can bail you out in close games.
Just the complete player for a striker and probably the only thing lacking is 5 Star Skills but everything else is just what you lead to lead the front line.
Definitely think he's worth a try and I would recommend whatever chemistry style you use to max out his agility first.
Responsiveness(After maxing out agility)
Shooting(Finesse shots are very good)
Attack Positioning(makes great runs and has good work rates)
Short Passing
Beautiful hair like when he scored the goal to win the euros.
Shot Power(Why I used a finisher but for a prime icon would like this to be higher on base stats)
Expensive(If you have the money give him a shot, if you don't, of course CR7 or Mbappe will always be viable at the ST position.)
Hey I´m a Elite 2 or 1 player and have 2200 SR,so this is just for people you really going to tryhard.If El Niño is your idol go ahead and buy him anyway,but if you are trying to be better i would recommend you to pay 1,8M for this card.
Let me explain,I have used Ronaldo,Mbappe,Félix Potm and Neymar...those are my standarts.I loved Neymar and think Ronaldo is pretty good aswell.
After this I was looking for a deadly finisher that would give me a 1.5 gpg min...Not really what I got from Torres.
His pace looks fine,but not what you would expect for 93,I give him a sniper to start and switched to Finisher after a few games,he didnt impress me at all.Felt like a truck moving,but not really the most stronger player,couldnt hold off the META defender like Varane.
For me skills are a bit part of my game so though he is 4 star I felt like he takes to long to do them.
Best stat for sure is finishing.so if you play slow paced and only try to get the ball on your striker for then to finish he is a good player.Can finish most of 1 on 1,although his left foot didnt seems to nice.
Just to finish the review I would like to say this to you..after 20 games i was done with him,he got 20 games 30 goals,but my first WL game he scored 8..so his real gpg is a 1...I switched him to Félix potm and he instantly clutched my WL to Elite 2,scoring twice almost every game...as you can see I dont think you need to pay 1.8M when a 500k player can do same or better.
If you really want a ST for 1M I would go with Ronaldo over Torres for sure.
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