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ShapeShifters Aubameyang Review

By IVIae
21-Jun-22 06:12

The ShapeShifters are back, bringing slightly new angles on current and future favorite cards as we near the end of June in this FIFA cycle.  I just finished mentioning on Twitter that while the price drop on some of these cards after only 4 days is wild to comprehend, it also offers an equally insane opportunity to really try all of the best cards in the game if you do so in strategic fashion to not lose all of your hard earned coins.  I am not sure what market price ShapeShifter Aubameyang would have been in FIFA 21 after only a few days, but I can guarantee it was not 300k.  The more and more I think about the state of the market in FIFA the more I have started to think the Value/Coins is slightly outdated at this stage in the game. Truthfully it has become Value/Time which I would have normally reserved for Objective based cards.  At this point, if I want to sit down and play Qualis or dive into Division Rivals I want to try one or two new cards alongside my untradeable options.  The time I have to play is minimal and therefore I have to prioritize the cards I want to try, because the list is long.  I hope these reviews continue to offer those insights and help you make the hard choices with your own valuable time… and this week we grabbed a perennial FUT monster in Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to test drive.  You can believe me or not, but due to my reviews of the Barcelona man in the past, I spelt that all from memory.  But phonics and market watching aside I was really hoping for a classic Auba performance this weekend as I deployed the Gabonese as the striker in my 4-2-2-2 formation.  Applying the FINISHER chemistry style in hopes that it would rain down goals on my opponent's parade.  With everything set, Aubameyang proved to be the slinky assassin all weekend long in the following squad: 

Starting Formation:

In-game Formation:



Rating: 9/10
Pace Rating: 10/10
Dribbling Rating: 9/10
Shooting Rating: 10/10
Passing Rating: 7/10
Physical Rating: 8/10
Defending Rating: N/A

17 goals in 15 matches is a nice return and outline just how nice the 5 STAR WEAK FOOT upgrade combines with an elusive card in and around the box.  The 9 assists however is a bit of a misleading return and is something I will certainly address a little later in the review.  In a weird way, the ShapeShifting part of this card has both made it the card that was so enjoyable for me during the review, and ultimately hurt the possibility of me using the Barcelona man again moving forward.  The 5 STAR WEAK FOOT and massive statistic boosts are fun to operate and a true threat up top.  But the move to LW certainly limits the squad building opportunities to fit Auba into future teams. 


Main Statistics - Shooting

Shooting Rating: 10/10
Weak Foot: ★★★★★

It should come to no surprise that a card that was designed to terrorize keepers just so happens to do exactly that.  But I guess if that was not the case it would have sunk this card before the review was truly underway.  Thankfully, Auba delivers on all fronts and certainly put to use the plethora of weapons in his Arsenal this weekend.  The 5 STAR WEAK FOOT upgrade is the keynote addition and made finishing indistinguishable on either foot… save for the odd finesse on the left foot that went astray.  Otherwise, it was lights out as the 99 POSITIONING was sharp, the 99 FINISHING was pinpoint, the 99 SHOT POWER was lethal and the 99 VOLLEYS were sublime.  Even the 90 LONG SHOTS were put to use with great effect thanks to the FINESSE SHOT trait.  The OUTSIDE FOOT trait is just another bonus on top of an already crazy card.        


Main Attribute - Body Type

Height: 187cm | 6’2
Pace Rating: 10/10
Dribbling Rating: 9/10
Physical Rating: 8/10 

Skills: ★★★★
Incredibly similar to the body type that has made Jude Bellingham my FIFA 22 starboy and it worked a treat for Auba in the striker position this weekend as well.  The tall and slim model of player gels nicely with Pace and Dribbling combination of higher rated options.  98 ACCELERATION & 99 SPRINT SPEED mixed with 99 AGILITY, 95 BALANCE & 99 DRIBBLING are obviously insane but could easily be undone by the 187 cm | 6’2 size, if not for the unique Auba body type.  Thankfully all was smooth sailing as Auba danced through the trouble waters of Weekend League defenders.  However, if there is one area that which Bellingham still shines that Auba was not so bright, it would be the Physical category.  The 87 STRENGTH did not always feel as sturdy as it should be and was cause for frustration in some moments during the weekend grind.  But beyond that, it was a stand out performance on the ball from the big man this weekend.  


Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad

Value/Coins Rating: 5/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 5/5

I haven’t decided on renaming this category just yet, and so at 300k, this card is a crazy value.  But I do find myself feeling the same about a lot of options at this stage in the game.  ShapeShifter Atal, Davies, Spinazzola, etc… you name it, they all boast ridiculously low market value for quality in game.  But in a brief preview into a Value/Time rating I would still give Aubameyang a 5/5 in this category.  He is worth your time to test drive the card given the unique blend of size and agility that is not often the case.  The goals come in bunches as the shooting enters automatic levels of potency.

If I have one concern about this card before signing off on the review it would be the passing.  The 92 SHORT PASSING & 90 VISION felt borderline fraudulent throughout this weekend.  Don’t let the 9 assists distract from the fact that Aubameyang could not pass the butter if he was sat next to you at dinner.  His assist returns in this case were largely down to the Pace and Dribbling creating tap-in passes that even Auba couldn’t miss hit… or conversely down to the brilliance of Davies after being played simple balls from Auba earlier in the move.   


Closing Words

I really do love the ShapeShifter promo and always just feel like the possibilities are endless.  It was nice to see this FUT legend have his day as his latest edition truly performs like some of his past FIFA game changers.  The 5 STAR WEAK FOOT is the headliner for this act and if you are looking for a frontman that can deliver the keynotes in big matches, this might just be the card for you.  Some physicality and passing frustrations aside, he truly is a constant threat.  Hoping you are safe and well.  Cheers for reading.  


Game Stats:



Game Highlights:


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