Patrick Vieira's Mid Icon card is rated 88, he is 192cm | 6'4" tall, right-footed France midfielder (CM)
that plays for
with Med/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.7
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game.
Patrick Vieira has 3 special cards
with ratings between 86 and 92.
He was born on 23-06-1976 and he is now 48 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 657,000 on PlayStation,
610,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
In my personal experience this version is a tiny little bit better when compared with the prime version. This one has better pace and agility and for almost 1M coins extra I really prefer the mid version (88). I played 250 matches with the prime and 100 with the mid version, although the mid version feels more agile and smooth with the ball (it´s only my opinion), I have nothing to complain about the prime in game.
If you want to try the best classic CDM in game you won't find anyone better than this God of Fifa. He is endgame since the start of Fifa20. The main problem of this card for some of you would be the price but he is a game changer, so I am sure he will repay the investment.
Body Type
Work rates
Defensive Skills
He does not need to be super fast in order to get his job done
So this is a late Review about Vieira but I just wanted to write this because he deserves it!!
First of all, im Elite 3-2 Player. I played Sissoko FB, Ndombele Summerheat, Tonali FSS and Essien Prime Moment and I have to say that hes the best of them!!
He is the perfect CDM with his LONG LEGS and his Agression. He isnt that at passing and he feels very fast, altough there are CDMs, who have more (Ndombele Summerheat or Tonali). His Tackles are amzing, I felt so much saver during the WL!!!!! And his Physics are Amazing as well!
I know he's not cheap (800k atm) but trust me, hes worth every single Coin!! Hes definitly better than his Stats suggest!!
- Tacklings and Def.
- PHYSICS if you press L2 during a Tackling he steels the Ball so f*cking fast
- CHARISMA!!! You feel so safe because you if the ball comes in a 5m radius of Vieira, he got it!
So, I was lucky enough to pack this guy in a mid icon upgrade pack. Besides this is a big win, I instantly put this guy in my squad, where he plays as a "box to box cdm" next to moments Gattuso. At this position he plays very solid and delivers always. In the following review I will try to break him down in every aspect:
Pace: 8.5/10
I use him with a Shadow, so his pace is over 90. But as this guy is very tall he sometimes feels a bit slow, especially when it comes to a sprinting duel against a smaller guy, but at this point he profits from his strong body.
Shooting: 7/10
As I use him on balanced attacks, he sometimes moves in the box to come from the back. When he is in front of the goal, he feels quite calm and finishes for 75 shooting very solid.
Passing: 7/10
80 passing really just feels like 80 ingame, nothing more. As I am a player who likes to have very much possesion ingame, this is my biggest issue about him. You shouldn´t try to make the most difficult pass through the gap with him. Just play the pass on a agile cam/winger and try to get forward from there, Vieira is not the guy to make the last pass.
Dribbling: 7/10
As this guy is very tall, he still has 76 agility and 71 balance, which is very decent for a tank like him. But when it comes against players who are very agile he is not the perfect player, but admit it, this is not what for you get him
Defending: 9/10
This is, where this guy is really amazing. Using a shadow on him, his stats are almost maxed out, and thats what you really get ingame. He is always in the right spot to cut a pass or to get into an interception. If you really search a con you could list the heading, which is not really accurate but I wont give this fault to him but in general to Fifa 20
Physicality: 9.5/10
Also a big pro for this card. 89 strength combined with 90 agression really feels amazing ingame. Sometimes it really feels like he is scaring the opponents ingame and they try to move meters around him. 90 stamina will do the job for you if you play him on stay back. If you play him, like I do, as a box to box, it can be quite low in overtime.
Overall I have to say, this guy is really an amazing card, but overall, especially at this stage of the game, there are better and cheaper options. As he costs over a million coins he is very expensive and if you really spend that much money on a card like him you should expect a real gamechanger. Well, I wont say he is not, but as his passing and agility are not the best, he is not the perfect player in cdm for me.
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