Juan Agudelo's OBJECTIVE card is rated 87, he is 185cm | 6'1" tall, right-footed United States striker (ST)
that plays for
Inter Miami CF
Major League Soccer
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.7
out of 5 .
He has 5-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game.
Juan Agudelo has 3 special cards
with ratings between 69 and 87.
He was born on 23-11-1992 and he is now 31 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
I was sitting in my chair waiting for the new season battle pass. whilst i was trying to find a way to link my Opara.
ten minuts later.
i was now scrolling thru the battle pass and wasnt impressed until this sexy card glansed my eyes, i was so happy to finally find a good link to Opara. i Jizzed when i took a look at his stats.
He had five star week foot
i was kinda considering hagi but when i saw that he only had 3* SM i looked the other way. And the RM is just trash.
Back to the review.
I ended up putting him on the bench as a super sup because i was using other players like Romarinho and Icons. i ended up playing Opara on 7 chem, STILL A BEAST.
Ok Lets get Serious:
The first game i was behind 1-0, then on half time i put him in instead of Nedved and put him on striker, the first 10 minuts i used was kinda weird, cuz i had to get used to play with him (Not Sexual) The first he did was dribble past prime Maldini and Baby Rio, and scored a Wonder Goal. Then he scored to goals more witch made the score 1-3 to me
The guy ended up scoring to goals in 88th and 90th minuts and scored again in 120th, i lost it i almost destroyed my PS4. after a few hours i decided to play to games more, and he was SOOOO GOOD.
His pacing is Amazing and feels like Orsic. he just ran past defenders like its nothing, but he got outpaced then i would just use his strenght.
His Passing is good, i didnt notice that very much of a difference from other players. and u shouldnt realy be passing a lot with a Attacker.
Now here we come to the shooting. THis guy saved me in the weeknd league, after i lost the previous math, made me take a break cuz i was fuming. I was behind, and in thr 60th minut i subed him on, and he was a GAME CHANGER. I only had 3 shots with him that game, and they all went in. The guy i played against ended up Rage quiting, and texted me hate message witch i repiled with how many goals i scored and he never replied.
His Strength, is so good, he just bullies the defenderes and doesnt give a fuck, His big Black coc- i should stop.
His dribbling is good, he doesnt feel clunky nor to fast, he is perfect, but there is something i would change , witch is his Balance. u dont realy feel it. so its not a problem
That was it. that was my review. Btw if this wasnt very well written is because i am watching The Office whilst do this.
agudelo is one of my favourite cards i have ever used his passing is very good he does not feel like he is 90 pace his long shots are incredible his dribbling is really good he sometimes does give the ball away but that is me not being that good at fifa i use a bundesliga team with agudelo hanging around and his stats are incredibly underrated ingame he is a game changer this may sound weird but i think this agudelo played waaaaay better ingame than werner his 4star 5star helps out even more his physical is also really good i havent got enough clips as they are all on my twitter but he is very stong for a striker and i also use him because #blacklivesmatter the cons i do have are he does have 62 balance but he does 98 agility and 95 jumping and he is 6.1 so he can win quite alot of headers and a long shot king just behind moments litmanen and 92 boetius and he is faster than he looks
faster than he looks
long shot king
turns people for days
not clunky imo so dont put your forks up yet
very good strength he could give ksi a run for his money
really god ball control
90 aggression
decent stamina
only 62 balance
not the best crossing
only 70 crossing
not the best at long passes but his short passes makes up for it
Wanted to say that this was my first ever player review.
I wanted to have a bit more time to play with this Card, since when i saw him in the objectives. I decided to take him mainly because of his 5 star weak foot.
And i didn't regret taking him in any moment.
And since i had icons i played him in a 4-1-2-1-2(2) formation on a ST position with full chem.
I needed a fast replace on a ST position since i just sold my Simon and changed formation. So i gave him a go.
So far he's player 30 games, my full weekend league.
Goals: 44
Assists: 14
Disclaimer: He's still a beast even if on 8 chem!
Pace is good enough: 94 Sprint Speed, 90 Acceleration.
Finishing: Outstandable. With 5 star weak foot, and a deadeye chem style. Scores 9/10
His Agility is 98, and it does feel like a 98 ingame.
5 Star Weak Foot!
4 Star Skill Moves!
82 Stamina, Can last a whole game.
Composure 86. Confident infront of the goal.
Strength: 86, He's not pushed off the ball easily.
Vision: 85, Great for a Short passing game between 2 strikers.
Short Passing 89. Amazing!
Ball Control 88. Controls the ball very well.
6ft1 and 95 jumping, He wins alot of headers too!
Now the only 2 downsides of this card i Really see is the balance. 62. And Nation And League.
For me it wasn't much noticable as he made up with all the other amazing stats he had!
So Main con is his Nation and League. Little bit hard to link up.
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