Abderrazak Hamdallah's TOTS card is rated 92, he is 182cm | 6'0" tall, right-footed Morocco striker (ST)
that plays for
Al Nassr
Saudi Professional League
with Med/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.2
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Abderrazak Hamdallah has 3 special cards
with ratings between 79 and 92.
He was born on 17-12-1990 and he is now 33 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 84,500 on PlayStation,
80,500 on Xbox,
and 100,000 on PC.
I didn’t see a review so I just wanted something short and sweet because this guy impressed me so much!
he slotted in my team over ronaldo just to do the objectives but ended up using him for a couple games after. Yes he does only have 3*/3* which is a let down, if he was 4*/4* he would be permanent in my squad.
used with an engine Chen style and he’s an absolute beast, it feels like he floats he is that smooth on the ball. On his strong foot pretty much every shots a goal.
Too save going on if you rely on skills then I would avoid, luckily I had him as a sort of poacher and dark horse, nothing fancy and you wouldn’t see him on the ball much as I had zaha neymar and Messi sat behind him. When he did get on the ball thoigh, click b and celebrate it’s that easy.
For 100k he’s a steal and with an engine he’s insane.
Insane Shooting
Pin-Point passing
Good aerially
Perfect Stamina
Perfect positioning
3* Skills
3* Weakfoot (Too predictable, maybe a good super sub)
Ok so the saudi league comes out and to be honest I wasn't really impressed but there were a few cards that looked quite nice and this Hamdallah card was one of them so I splashed the cash to buy him I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to keep him but that was because of his league I put him instead of my belotti I was playing him on 7 chem but that didn't bother me that much and let me say from my experiences he was incredible! You can really see his finishing come into play. He was quite fast actually as well I was impressed but there is one con the passing may look good but for me some of those through balls were not the best but never the less this is an excellent card and I would recommend you pick him up but mabye wait for his price to go down a bit.In game I would sub on ayoze perez next to him up top and that really helped with his goal tally.Overall this card is very good to say the least
I got him in my red picks for getting gold 3 from fut champs this weekend and I was quite disappointed to not get a PL player. I have played him up front in a 4231 in game and he was AMAZING. Despite his height, his dribbling was amazing and he seemed to always keep the ball at his feet. He scored pretty much every shot he took and his 3* weak foot wasn't even that noticeable. He had a couple of misplaced passes but as soon as I passed him the ball it was just an instant goal. He came off the bench in 3 of the 5 games I played with him and he managed to score 11 goals. Great card, just a shame about his league
every time i been losing i sub on him at 70 min. and he turns it to me he have every thing you need to a perfect super sub but dont put him in starting 11.
When the mbs pro league tots came out, I was very exited for this card. I packed him untradable last year and he was so op, which made me want him for the nostalgia. I decided to pair him up with amrabat for a few games to test him out. He was good but not up to the Standards of Alex Teixeira. He felt smooth and had a nice Finnish on him. Unfortunately his problems couldn't be fixed by a chem style which is a shame. He was good but, was no where near as good as last years version.
The God himself, an absolute monster with engine chem style, just look at his stats... best striker in the game by far even on 6 chem
Literally every single stat, including his passing which is great when playing with two strikers and tiki-takaing between the two.
Biggest pro is scoring at least 2 goals per game with him and yelling Hamdallah Hamdallah Hamdallah Hamdallah Hamdallah Hamdallah about 10 times in a row and making everyone at home go insane.
Well, i'm building a Saudi hybrid and wanted to try out this absolute beast of a card. Despite his 3*/3*, his really good looking stats got me hyped to try him in a few games, to be the one that'll replace the absolute beast that is my niakaté sbc ( shit card on paper, not on the field ), who's starting to feel a little outdated, now that tots is out.
I got him for 90K, put him as a striker next to my attal shapeshifter, got him pumped with an engine and started some rivals (played with him on thursday, cant test him in WL).
Huge deception. He felt kinda clunky, despite his wonderful dribbling stats. His 1st touch is'nt great at all. He's strenght is'nt showing that much, got bodied easily.
And his pace was a huge let down. I aint a pace whore, but i couldn't outrun any defenders on the field, and his placement, being not that great, didn't help neither.
One thing i noticed otherwise was his great passing capabilities,
That's why after a few games of 442, i ran a 41212 narrow with him as a number 10, attal and romarinho upfront.
Things started to get much better, His dribbling ain't that bad, but to easily pass a defense with a 3* skiller, you need as much responsivness as you can have, and Hamdallah ( spelled Hamedallah in game gg ea ) is'nt one of those players.
His shooting stats looks amazing. The 3* wf ain't that much of a problem with the outside foot shoot trait. He did scored some bangers for me, but also missed really easy goal, either in one vs one situations and a few easy volley.
That's why i decided to sell him after a few matches (10m/14g/a7), i wont say he is a bad player but was expecting so much more from this card, while looking at the stats.
Giovinco is just miles ahead from him, and Romarinho, despite having clear weakness, is a much more enjoyable / meta player.
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