Gianfranco Zola's Base Icon card is rated 85, he is 168cm | 5'6" tall, right-footed Italy striker (CF)
that plays for
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 5.0
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,815,637 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.510.
Gianfranco Zola has 2 special cards
with ratings between 85 and 90.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 05-07-1966.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 333,000 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Theres different styles that people prefer in a CAM. Some want a tall and strong player.. others want a good shooter, 5* weak foot.. & others prefer a short, high agility + balance, high dribbling, good shot, specifically high ACCELERATION. A messi type CAM. Zola is exactly that. If you enjoy playing with Messi, Insigne, & Gomez at CAM, Zola will be a dream for you. He can dribble and accelerate well, has killer timed finesse shots, & good stamina. the middle and Prime versions of his card have higher shooting, but sacrifice his speed, which is a large part of what makes him valuable.
Timed Finesses
Physicality, but if you're a good dribbler, this shouldn't be an issue
Messi's style pace, unbelievable acceleration and a great sprint speed. He can easily outrun any ICON/TOTY defender in the game. Its not about stats, its about goblin height animation..
What can i say about dribbling, AWESOME!, FANTASTIC!. He moves thought the field like a cocainomane snake. He usually don't lose the ball, but when he does, he'll get it back.
Do you know what finesse shot is?, no you don't until you try this little piece of garbage. It seems to have a cannon, not a leg. Almost 100% of shots go inside, people will think that you're the handicap king, 4 star weak foot its fine, he will do his job
KEY STAT - 85 finishing *seems like 99* , finesse shot trait
That's it, great but not outstanding. rarely wrong in an assistance
He is surprisingly good when he has to get the ball back. Nothing special, but good to know
KEY STAT - none
Horrible strength and lack of jumping, however with 92 balance, using him as a CAM that would not be a problem! Stamina is not bad, but not good.
KEY STAT - none
It's the best cheap icon that you can find. give him a try, you wont regret.
Hello there and welcome to my first review on futbin. I just had to do one for this guy, he has been absolutely incredible for me and is so much fun to play in every game! I play Zola as a ST with Deadeye to push his passing and shooting.
Let's start!
Pace 9/10: He is very quick and his acceleration is amazing. He is no mbappe, but I don't even use a chem for speed since he is quick enough for me and has the "tries to beat the defensive line trait", which allows him to outpace most defenders as they have to turn to catch up to him.
Shooting 9/10: He has amazing shots in his skillset! He is always good for a goal, really good in 1v1 as his composure is really high with 85. Low driven or finesse shots both work really well. Sometimes, he has little inconsistencies from very difficult positions.
Passing 10/10: THIS GUY! I do play him as a striker but boy, he does pull the strings in my attacking game. He just plays perfect short passes and combined with his dribbling, most defenders cannot cope with him. Quick and deadly passes.
Dribbling 10/10: I think that the whole package makes Zola Baby so strong, but his dribbling might give this card the edge. He is amazing on the ball. SO agile and the ball is so close to his feet that defenders most of the time are just not fast enough to get the ball. Very smooth to do tricks with, since he is so small, I can just rush through opponents with him.
Defending: n/a
Physicality: He is small and kinda easy to tackle (obviously), but as his dribbling is so high, it is actually hard to get him off the ball. Stamina is fine for me, he can play 90 minutes through. I think that I didn't score headers with him.
OVERALL: Amazing value for money, a lot fun to play and a gamechanger for me. I think he is really useful as a ST; his middle or prime are better as CAM. For that amount of coins, you cannot do anything wrong. Enjoy him and Score!
PS: I played him in Division 4 mostly, just got to DIV 3 with him.
Good shooting with both feet, especially finesse and low driven
DRIBBLING!!! The best, he owns the ball and is very hard to push off the ball
Good passing, he assists nearly as much as he scores (and that as a ST)
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